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Rahbar Medical & Dental College Lahore Tender Notice in Nawaiwaqt newspaper of 15 May, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of Rahbar Medical & Dental College Lahore Tender Notice ( ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
TENDER NOTICE RMDC / PRTH / RCOD / RCON / RIAHS FOR SUPPLY OF ELECTROMEDICAL / MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT (1) Sealed tenders are invited from firms registered with DGP(A) / DGDP for supply of Electro medical Miscellaneous equipment, Instruments and materials on free delivery basis at following teaching institutions as per details noted against each: (a)_Rahbar Coltege of Dentistry (RCOD) To equip a newly established 50 seats BOS institution as. per criteria prescribed by PM&OC. (b). Rahbar Medical & Dental College(RMDC) | Punjab Rangers Teaching Hospital (PRTH) / Rahbar College of Nursing(RCON) / Rahbar Institute of Allied Health �Sciences(RIAHS) As per miscellaneous requirements at each of the institutions specified in tender forms. (2) Tender forms with detailed specifications of items can be obtained from office of Director �Administration Rahbar Medical & Dental college Lahore on written application with Sales Tax and Income Tax registration on cash payment of Rss �,000/- (non refundable) for each institution. Rates {quoted in the tender will be vali til date of delivery / installation of the equipment. Tender forms / list of items duly signed by respective Principals of constituent Colleges willbe available on any working day from8AMto 3PM, (3) The bid shall comprise of a single package sealed envelope having two separate envelopes containing the FINANCIAL PROPOSAL and the TECHNICAL PROPOSAL. (a) The envelopes shall be marked as �FINANCIAL PROPOSAL� and �TECHNICAL PROPOSAL" alongwith the name of Participating firms / supplier / distributor in bold and legib� letter to avoid confusion. (b) Initially, only the envelope marked �TECHNICAL PROPOSAL� sh�ll 5 opened by board of officers. (c)The envelope marked "FINANCIAL PROPOSAL!� shall be retdinedin the safe custody as directed by President of the board without being opened. (d) The board Wf officers will prepare and finalize the comparative statements of �TECHNICAL PROPOSALS�offered by firm / supplier / distributor (indicating Ser no. Name of firm, Make / Model of offered>eqpt / instruments, Rejected / Accepted and Reasons of Rejection) after consultation with coneefried specialist / HOD. (e) During the technical evaluation NO amendments in the technical proposal shall be permitted. (f) The financial proposals of bids found technically rejected shall be retuned un-opened to the concerned bidders. After the evaluation and approval of TECHNICALLY AGGEPTED PROPOSALS, financial bids willbe publicly opened by board of oficersin the presence of the bidders or their authorized reps. The procuring agency shall read aloud the unit price as well the-bid amount and shall record the minutes of the bid opening, All bidders in attendance wil sign an eltendance sheet. (4) Refurbished/rebaired /2" hand equipment wll be procured with explicit approval of competent authority only. (5) _Itwillbe ensured that country of manufacture and manufacturer ofthe equipment are the same. (6) __Thecontract of equipment wil include proper warranty for parts and repair/ maintenance for at least a period of 24 months after date of instalation. During warranty period, Fitms/ Suppliers! Distributors willnot charge for visit oftheir biomedical Engineers. (7) Tenders willbe deposited before 1100 hours on 20 May 2024 and willbe opened on the same day at 1230 hours at Rahbar Medical & Dental College Lahore. Firms registered Sales tax and national tax numbers should also be written in the quotation (8) The procuring agency has the right to accept or reject any one or all quotations prior to acceptance of any bid � Newspaper (15 May, 2024)
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