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Ministry Of Housing & Works Islamabad Tender Notice(2) in Thenews newspaper of 04 June, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of Ministry Of Housing & Works Islamabad Tender Notice(2) ( ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
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Ministry of Housing & Works
Tender Notice for Upgradation of PHAFS Management
Information System (MIS)
PHAFourwation has a customvzed Management Information System (MIS} wheth
was developed on asp* environment. -net framework 6.7 with SOL database in veat
PHAF intends to upgrade existing ERP with addition 01 some new features fog
ensuring transparency through efficient handling of alt processes. didders will carry
out detated study of our exis0ng ERP. identify the shortcomings and suggest
improvements to meet future needs, The successful bidder will designand develop the
software. as per reqlirements Of all wings o' PH.AF, finalized between bidder and PHA
Foundation. The bidder Wdl demonstrate the software and handover the source code
to PHAF atoro With user traztmng to the PHAFaondation staff. Successful bdddersmust
complete the work within six months. The software be designed accord'ng to the
international accounting Stan•dardS and SECP requirements as applicable in Pakistan.
The soffvvare development fir m most have Chartered Atcounting b0Ckgroun•d
Terms & Conditions;
The firmsshouldbeweltestablihdan•d preterably located in nstamabad.
• Interested Bidders may download the RFP and adve:tisement from e-PAOS
goy.9J,O. tree Ot cost
rn•e (Technical & Financial}, pr
instructions providéd in the RFP. mu
(httpwep•tocurogov.PkJ through erectrortiC med
and PHAF
in accg«dance with the
submitted on e•PADS
ngWith hatd copy Of the same
up to 12:CO Hts dated Shan oe opened on the
same date at 1230 Hrs in the presetÉe—oi frie bidders or their authorized
representatives atconrereoco room0f.PHAÉf
Eligible rums Will submit their bids Singte Stage Two Envelop (SSTE) along with
S % earnest money or the totat quptecfprice in sealed envesope or bidS in
thesnage in lavorof PHAfounuati00 Wamaoadv
E-Tenderswithoutattachment Securdyin favor or PHA Foundation Islamabad
equatto theearnest money "Vtejected.
Relevant expertise in,
Angurar Database in SOL Servet tlatest
versions} are pre-requ
• Proposal(s) received er prescr&d time and date be rejected. Pädiäl,
incognøtete bids Shao considered.
The bidders providing fake. forged. unsubstantiated and lalse information shall be
liable to vegataction".e. disqualificationan•d blat,kBStirtg.
• Of and
copy submidea in the office of Deputy Director {Admn) Secretary Purchase
committee; the bid Shall bQ rejected and declared as nan-responsive.
• Financial Proposal(s) of onty Technically Responsive Qualified Firms be
opened at date andtime to be determined ana communicated later.
• All the appliCäb"e Federal Provir.Ciäl taxes {income tax, SäkS tax, etc.) must be
it'.ttüd•ed White pteparit•o the Financial proposal and are requited to bQ built in the
quoted rates and not to be mentioned separatet•g,
• PHAF reserves the rigt"tto reject any orall the Bids asper PPRARuteSduetoany
reason tmreot The docjsåan of PHA# snail be final and bi0ding onalltlte bidders
Deputy Director (Admin) I Secretary Purchase Committee
PHA Foundation Shaheed;e-Millat Secretariat Jinnah Avenue,
Islamabad. Tel: # 051-9211123
O Newspaper ( 04 Jun, 2024)
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