Tender Info Services
Gwadar Lasebla Livelihoods Support Project Quetta Tender Notice in Jang newspaper of 05 July, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of Gwadar Lasebla Livelihoods Support Project Quetta Tender Notice ( ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing
****** Result for Image/Page 1 ******
Assignment Title: Construction of Rural Roads under GLLSP
The IGIarniC Republi•t Pi*jGtan has received the Fund fet Agricultural
Oe'*Tloømcnt (IFAO> lot Gwadat L*SbOla LivelihOOdS Sagrøott Project — Phaso II (GLLSP•IIJ.
and is the this
wttjcn be in coordination With government depart'fte•nts partner
ccgarizatöns in the selected districts af Balcchstan tlraogh a desgnated Project Management Orit
(PMLI). PWtJ cd Gwadar-Lasbela Livelhcods Supparl Prciect Phase — II IGLLSP II), had invaed
The GLLSP —II now invites bids rccRe•tenøers from interested bidde'S
Mare cdWc«k
Ccrsructim Rcec fran
nana to
Road fratt
Khan Ltsri Wü Abd"
d Rr.ed fran
Coasäl Htaay
gT Rad fratt
Nö b Ga}dati
AbdLAöh Goth
d RNd
Tender Oocuments: Terder documents
Est 'nated
Fixed Bid
tan PM
tan PM
Clitegia. Detaied Spec;fcaliorrs, rems and
Conditions, and from the GLLSP•II , Nen Tawn Pt'jase 1-
réar Oandeel Chawk, mah Airport Rced. Gwadar, during office hours iue. 0930 to 1600 tnurs during
or can G'L$Ps vee-b:ste
SAJbfiiiSSiOn and opening Of sutrt'itte•d in sealed envelopes Cl•eatly marked with
af WC" Bid iS to the GL'SP•II Office NOW Town Phase 1
near Airport Road at •2024 the deadlines
mentored Elec:WiicaUy wa act Late bids will rat be
Bids ww be opened in t@vegnce of bidders' representatix•es who choose to attend tre on
heseme date as 'chedule rnenti3•ned in the latite atovo. Bid Security: AJI bidS must be
acnmga.nZd by a Bid Security af Fixed Amount as mentioned against each work in the fcm c' Call
Deposit Bani Guarantee. '*ill be selected vsirg t.ræ rational competdiæ bidding
Sir* Orte With
The NC3 prccoss will include a review and verification a'
qualificatons anc past *dctrn.aræ. irduding a Check. prior to award. For any
fu:tnertrdccrrgtion contact meCLLSP-llOffice New hase ChawiAi:portRoac Gwaøar.
Pakistan. Tel: +9286-4211522
Project Director [Gwadar L*Sbela LivNibOOdS Suppogt Project • Phase II) Roero (Basement}
c e WS paper
****** Result for Image/Page 1 ******
Assignment Title: Construction of Rural Roads under GLLSP
The IGIarniC Republi•t Pi*jGtan has received the Fund fet Agricultural
Oe'*Tloømcnt (IFAO> lot Gwadat L*SbOla LivelihOOdS Sagrøott Project — Phaso II (GLLSP•IIJ.
and is the this
wttjcn be in coordination With government depart'fte•nts partner
ccgarizatöns in the selected districts af Balcchstan tlraogh a desgnated Project Management Orit
(PMLI). PWtJ cd Gwadar-Lasbela Livelhcods Supparl Prciect Phase — II IGLLSP II), had invaed
The GLLSP —II now invites bids rccRe•tenøers from interested bidde'S
Mare cdWc«k
Ccrsructim Rcec fran
nana to
Road fratt
Khan Ltsri Wü Abd"
d Rr.ed fran
Coasäl Htaay
gT Rad fratt
Nö b Ga}dati
AbdLAöh Goth
d RNd
Tender Oocuments: Terder documents
Est 'nated
Fixed Bid
tan PM
tan PM
Clitegia. Detaied Spec;fcaliorrs, rems and
Conditions, and from the GLLSP•II , Nen Tawn Pt'jase 1-
réar Oandeel Chawk, mah Airport Rced. Gwadar, during office hours iue. 0930 to 1600 tnurs during
or can G'L$Ps vee-b:ste
SAJbfiiiSSiOn and opening Of sutrt'itte•d in sealed envelopes Cl•eatly marked with
af WC" Bid iS to the GL'SP•II Office NOW Town Phase 1
near Airport Road at •2024 the deadlines
mentored Elec:WiicaUy wa act Late bids will rat be
Bids ww be opened in t@vegnce of bidders' representatix•es who choose to attend tre on
heseme date as 'chedule rnenti3•ned in the latite atovo. Bid Security: AJI bidS must be
acnmga.nZd by a Bid Security af Fixed Amount as mentioned against each work in the fcm c' Call
Deposit Bani Guarantee. '*ill be selected vsirg t.ræ rational competdiæ bidding
Sir* Orte With
The NC3 prccoss will include a review and verification a'
qualificatons anc past *dctrn.aræ. irduding a Check. prior to award. For any
fu:tnertrdccrrgtion contact meCLLSP-llOffice New hase ChawiAi:portRoac Gwaøar.
Pakistan. Tel: +9286-4211522
Project Director [Gwadar L*Sbela LivNibOOdS Suppogt Project • Phase II) Roero (Basement}
c e WS paper
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