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National Police Foundation Islamabad Tender Notice in Dunya newspaper of 09 July, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of National Police Foundation Islamabad Tender Notice ( ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
National Police Foundation
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Headquarter G-10/4 Mauve Area, ISLAMABAD
Joint Venture (JV) BID For the establ$hment of a ICO + Bed General Hospital in National Pooce Foundation
Housing SCh•errte. sector 'Sjamäb'äd
National POtze Headquagter. I Stama,bäd is Citeasod to in•ae on •joint vonture JVPartn,Q'Ship•
ta.SiS. tot OStabt'Shing a ICO + 80d Gone-rat in NatiO•nat PObQ Foundation Housing St.hemo, Sector O-
9. 'Stamasad- 00 20.40•kanaI land ce.r•ed by tho NPF. Tho Site iS O h,oavay populated acoa and thus a very suita:b50
venue the of a General Hospital,
The proposed Hospital be foc benefit o' the and retired Pobce petsonnetandtheirramilies. To make the
prolect sustainable, tte gene-rat public and the corporate sector would also be to ut"ize the facility on payment
ta.SiS. The NPF hOSD•itat provide access to quality tertiary cato S.OTViCOS and reduce budon on tho
gubtit health eare system. The NPF Generat HOSPitO' have an i,mpcgtant medical mctuding: tnto•-tna'
Medicine. NephtOk1•gy. NeufOtOGy, General Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery.
Neurosurgery. Gynecozgy Obstetncs, Pentncs. Raeaogy etc. The NPF also anow the
setecte:d JV partner firrn to certain area 01 the infrastrueuretorcom.mercia,l use ousinessesi.e. pnatrmac:ies,
convenience stores oanks, restaurants, stops etc.
Prome Of the
privatesectonrnematianot organizations ot those affiliated with hea.'th•related internationa
consultants or 10ternati0001 organizations ot having agreemtent with internationa consultants ot
lotemationa Otganizations; gormaceutical com.panies. academia. multinationa companies. etc., are
The bidders must provide an undertaking affidavit stating that
black listed and is not involved h any kindofinsawency,litigation
Companyffltmtentity must progose firm commitment or minimu %
nyffirmtentity has never been
Direct I nvestment
Bidding must provide a
•financial model. inctudino the NPFS
percentage Shareholding in ptOfrtS Of the hospital.
The hospital wu managed by the selected Company"n.'éntty
With NPF grantng complete financial
and administrative autonomy to the selected Compony./f'mvtentity to manage the hospital.
the and it
as per me requirements 01 a quatityGenera1 Hos:pitq'.
Interested Nationat'international Compani"frm$entities should deposit pay orderjbank drafVCDR
amounting to Rs,SO Million Pak Rupees
Foundation participation in the su
•security deposit Velundabte) in favor of National Police
The security deposit wil be refunded to the
unsuccess tul bidders.
NPF WI evaluate the bidS and score
as tho successful bidder.
Complete details of the site
purcnased on payment Of Rs.
based an Pints. The bidder with thChiöhCSt score will quality
and conditions are given in the bid d•ccument Which can bC
• {Rupees thousand on•IY) non•refuredabte; via pay otdetld•emand
draft in favor of National Potee FgQoøation INPF).
Seue 81ds uoder Single'Ståge.Two.Enveoge pcocedure. with envelopes clearty marked as 'Tect'tnical
Bid' and-Financial Bid@nuetreach the undersigned latestby 01 ZOO pm on 2dJuty, 20'4
The bidders providingunsubstantiated androc incorrect information are liable to legal action and
disqualifiCäti•on fromthe bidding.
NPF reserves theåight to reject ill bidS or proposals at any time Phot to the acceptance 01 a bid Ot proposal ,
The advertisement iS NPF and P PRAX WCb•Sites.
t. Name. address, telephone and ema,a address or must be mentioned on the sealed
2. 24thJuly.2024.
For submission of BID:
Address: National Police Foundation, 1st Floor,
National Police Foundation Building.
MauveArea, C-10/4. Islamabad.
Phone: 051 •9106187, Website:
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