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Trading Corporation Of Pakistan Karachi Tender Notice in Express newspaper of 10 July, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of Trading Corporation Of Pakistan Karachi Tender Notice ( ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
Procurement Of Import Of Urea
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July 08, 2024
Trading Corporation of Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd. ITCP), Karachi, a state
owned commercial organization working under the administrative control of
Ministry of Commerce, Government of Pakistan, invites sealed bids from the
International Urea Suppliers/producers for supply Of 150,000 (One Hundred
& Fifty Thousand) metric tons (MT) with 5% MOLSO Urea; directly or
through their local offices or representatives (registered with
provincial/federal tax authorities) having capacity to supply 'Urea' (in bulk}
through worldwide sources, on CFR Karachi / Gwadar basis On bulk
shipment). Shipment is to be made as per shipment schedule given in the
Tender Document and subject to the terms and conditions specified in
'Tender Document' which include the following:
(i) Urea to be supplied shall be strictly in accordance with the
standards and specifications prescribed in the tender document
and Import Policy Order in force;
(ii) Bids less than the quantity of 30,000 MT MOLSOwill not
be accepted; and
(iii) Total quantity of Urea must reach the designated portfs) in
Pakistan in accordance with the shipment schedule given in the
Tender Document.
Tender document containing detailed terms & conditions, method of
procurement, procedure for submission of bids, bid security, bid validity
opening Of bids, bid evaluation criteria, clarification/rejection Of bids,
performance guarantee etc. are available for the interested bidders on
payment of PKR 2,000/- (Pak Rupees Two Thousand only), which can be
purchased from following offices (Except Saturday & Sunday), till 1200
hours on July29,2024from:-
Deputy Manager (Cash), Trading Corporation of Pakistan (Pvt.)
Ltd. 4th Floor, Block•8, Finance & Trade Centre, Shahrah-e•Faisal,
Karachi, Pakistan (Phone: 021-99202947-49
Manager Incharge, Regional Office, Trading Corporation of
Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd., 2"' Floor, LDA Plaza, Edgerton Road, Lahore
(Phone and
Manager Inchargej Regional Office, Trading Corporation of
Pakistan (Pvt-} Ltd., House No, 114, Stree PHAF Residencia
Kurri Road, Islamabad (Tel: 051-9450441-
The tender documents can also be download
m official websites of
TCP and PPRAwww. ra,O . However. the receipt
of purchase of tender documents can bf obtained from the cash section
- (Pak Rupees Two Thousand
of TCP against the payment of PK
only) or ten (10) US Dollars prior
ropping the bid envelope in the
tender boxwithinthe specified easmentionedatPara•2above.
The bids, prepared in acco with the instructions in the tender
documents, must be drop in the tender box placed at Reception
Counter of TCP, Fl 8, Finance & Trade Centre, Shahrah-e-
are July 29, 2024, latest by 1200 hours (as per
Fäisal, Karachi, on o
Rule•21A of PPRA Aules, 2004). Bids will be opened on the same day at
1230 hours in CP's Board Room, in presence of the bidders or their
authorized rep entativeswho may wish to be present.
The inte d:partieswho have previously not fulfilled their contractual
Obliga 0
ith TCP shall not be eligible to participate in the Bids, unless
they clear their dues along with penalties or fulfill their contractual
obligations in services and commodities with TCP, as the case may ber
before tender opening date. Furthermore, those firms which have been
blacklisted or against whom black listing procedures have been initiated
by TCP shall not be eligible to participate in the tender: Detailed
specifications/requirements are indicated in the Tender Document
containing tender terms & conditions. TCP reserves the right to acceptor
reject any or all offers wholly or partially or bifurcate or
increase/decreasethetenderquantityasper PPR•2004.
This advertisement iS also available on TCP website at www,tcp-gqv.pk
and PPRA website
General Manager (T & R)
O Newspaper ( IU u, 2U24
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