Tender Info Services
Local Government & Rural Development Department Karak Tender Notice in Aaj newspaper of 11 July, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of Local Government & Rural Development Department Karak Tender Notice ( LG&RDD ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
Repair and Maintenance Of Transformers,Reparing Of Transformer,Transformer Maintenance
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Scaled tenders fu the below mentioned Schemes are hereby invited on the basis oi single stage single envelope procedure from
the government contrat'.org registered W'th PÉC in the relevant category and having registration jenlistment renewal for the
cu Financial year as por following schcdulc.
Eamest Moray @ 2% Last Datetime for
Nan-goi SchemeWork E. in (M)
epaw and Maintenance
c' Transformers in PK-97
District Karak,
Repair and Maintenance
District Karak
in Rupees,
submission of tender ferm
Oate Bld
foropcning ofter.der Timelimit
As pct
As per
t. The Financial bidding will be through E-bidding System. Tender form and goo tan be filled and downloaded bii the original
contractor available on the official website Of LG8RDO. DG Office (ww&bullw.lgkp.goupk) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa after one day c'
Publishing ot NIT
2, The bidders are required to fill Electronic Bids online and attach Scan copy of Bid Security in shape of original Call Deposit
in the name of Procuring Entity and submit a hard copy of the same printed electronic bid form to the Assistant Director Local
Government & Rural Oevelopment Oepartment Karak&bdquo
3. Sealed bids sent through registered maiUCourier service should reach up-to the specified time and date is mentioned above
4. Only those contractorsjfirmsmorkshops will be eligible which are registered with PESCOjWAPDA.
5. All those contractors firms arc also eligible to participate in the tender who are registered with
Inspectorate of Electricity, Energy & Power Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa of electricity act 1937
under RIJle 48,
O, The contractor or his representative may be present at the time of opening oi Electronic bids opening.
7, The call deposits ire, Bid Security for the "contract must be prepared after publishing of NIT, before closing time of the
Electronic bid apply.
8. Tho contractors quoting their bids up to a limit of below Engineer estimate shall submit bid security @ 2% only c'
Enginccr Estimate.
g. Thc contractor quoting their bids morc than 10% below up to 20% below angnginecr's Estimate shall submit along with their
bids 8% Additional security of Engineer estimate in addition to 2% bid security if thc bid is not accompanied with thc required
amount of Additional security then the bid shall be considered as non-responsive and the 2% bid security shall be forfeited in
tavor of Government and the second lowest bidder and so on will be GD11Sidered accordingly.
10, In case. a contractor quoting bid more than below Shall with his bid an additional security or Engineers
Estimated cost equal to the diffial amount of submitted bid And Engineer Estimate along with detailed rate analysis. in
case of marc than 20% below bids, if thc bid is not accompanied the detailed ratc analysis and/or required amount
additional security, thcn thc bid stall bc considered as Non-rosponsivo. All thc securities submitted along with such
nan-rcsgonsivo bid shall &bullc forfeited in favor of government and the second lowest biddcl and so on will bo considered
accordingly as KPPPRA Notification NO 6058-71 peshywai, the May 2022.
11, In case detailed rate analysis submitted wuth 'n view the procuring entity, not convincing, the Head Of the
procuring entity may declare suih bid as nan- resp
12, The procuring entity may offer the contract to the next lowest bidder after due diligence in the context Of financial difference
between such two bids or may advertise procu opportunity afresh IKXPRA Notification NO, 605M 1 Peshawar. the May
10, 2022)
13. Any Elcctronic bidder who provido lalscj"årn ially inaccurate or incamplctc do not send information in hard lorm will
bc disqualificd as per KPPR.A Act read with KPPRA Rulo (431. Furthermorc tho Procuring EntityiExccuting
Agency will rccammcnd and sent cases for Ocbarringf81ackJisting and will takc action in light 01 Approvcd Procedurelmccha-
nin as per kVPRA Act gettian29{2 realwlth KPPRA Rule
14. Electronic bids will renain vald go days the claesing date Of bids {as decided by the procuring entityjexetuting
agency in light Of standard bidding da mentSl.
15. The firmsjcontractars who pardiCipate in tendering ptateg.s may approach directorate General I-GAROD Peshawar
within two days before closingtimo ot electronic apply for uploading their names on thc official website i.e. (www.lgkp.gov.pk).
ld. All Bidders arc required-to be rcgisicrcd with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority, established under the Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa Finance Act.2013 {Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Act No. XXI of 2013). for works, consulting and nan-consulting Service
as listed in Scheduled-II dfthe Act bid.
17. In case the bid b&bulletart'ie a tie contractar shall be decidéd through a free toss which shall be final.
18. The PÉC and KPPRA registration IACtive tat payer) must be valid for cu financial Year.
19. The time limit Of each work shall be as per work order issued to successful bidder and the contractor will have to start work
within i5 days' time period after the issuance Of work order failing which the work be cancelled and gewtiWjadditianal security
tf any} will be forfeited
20. All applicable taxes will be recoverable as per directives of the government in vogue.
21 ,The procuring entry may reject any or all bids after communicating the reasons for rejection at any time prior to the award
of contract.
22. Any addition made in terms 8 conditions in the NIT advertised in the newspaper will be implemented as per KPPRA Rules.
23. Work order will be issued subject to release Of find.
24. All material testing and all gortg Of tests will be performed by tontractor on the demand Of procuring entity.
25. Bidders may obtain bidding documents and further information from the Office Of Aggigtant Director (Senior} LG&RCD
Tehsil Karak on any working day before closing date.
INF (P) 1642 Assistant Engineer Senior
LG & RDD Karak
O Newspaper ( 11 Jul, 2024)
Assistant Director Senior
LG & RDD Karak
Important Pages
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