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Food Directorate Peshawar Tender Notice in Express newspaper of 11 July, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of Food Directorate Peshawar Tender Notice ( ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
Food Directorate,Ammonium Tablets For Protection,Stationery,Charges
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Director Food, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa invites sealed tenders for the supply of
approximately 6,000 kg (Six Thousand KG Only) Ammonium Phosphate Tablets for
protection of Government wheat stocks lying in various Provincial Reserve Centres in
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Tender is required to offer Per KG rate forthe supply of Ammonium
Tender Form @ Rs,1000/- (non refundable/Stationery charges) will be issued to firms
having registration with any Federal/Provincial Government Department/lnstitute and
who possess valid permit/license forthe supply of Ammonium Phosphate Tablets.
Tender Form can be obtained from Office of Director Food near Haji Camp Bus Stand
Peshawar city, till 5:00 PM during working hours till 29/07/2024.
Tenders will be received on 30/07/2024 from 10:00 AM to 10:55 AM & will be opened on
the same date at 11:00 AM in presence of the participant bidders or their authorised
representatives by the Tender Opening Committee in the office of Director Food, Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa, Haji Camp Adda, GT Road Peshawar.
5% earnest money of the total value ofthe above quantity in shape of call depositfrom any
schedule Bank in favour of the undersigned shall be submitted with tender form. The
earnest money shall be refunded to the un- successful bidders.
The successful bidder shall have to execute agreement with Director Food Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa within (fifteen) days after the approval of the rate, the bidder/supplier will
deposit 10% security in shape of CDR/TDR in the name of Director Food which shall be
released after successful supply of Aluminum Phosphate Tablets.
Method of procurement shall be Single Stage, Two Envelopes. The Financial Bids (Offer
rates on Tender Form along with CDR/SDR) of only those bidders will be opened whose
Technical Bid is responsive and meets all requirements of the procuring entity ie
(Registration with FBR, KPRA, Federal/Provincial Government Department/lnstitute and
who possess valid permit/license for the supply of Ammonium Phosphate Tablets.
Any Firm, who has been blacklisted by any International/National Body/ Department, will
not be entitled to participate in the Tender.
The supply shall have to be arranged w" 30 days after the placement of purchase
order, the supplied quantity shall be h c d from P.C.S.I.R Laboratory Peshawar or any
other Laboratoryatthe costofthesu plier
The tablets shall be packed in füölinium flask containing tablets in aluminium bottles.
Each bottle shall be airtight in
reactive plastic polythene and manufacturers standard
packing. The package shall suitable to withstand transit hazards by rail and road. Each
package shall be ma
rding to provision contained in rule No. 14 of Agriculture
Pesticide Rules 197
he prescribed tender shall be according to already mentioned
brand which is registe ed with Agriculture Pesticidest Technical/ Advisory Committee.
Ifthe successfu bidéer fails to execute agreement with Director Food, the earnest money
shall be forfeit? n favorofthe Government.
The firm is bound to pay Income Tax, KPRA Sales Taxon Service, Stamp Duty, DPR Funds
and Professional Tax according to the prescribed rates fixed by the Government
The competent authority may reject the tenders partially or in full on the basis of cogent
Any information, if required, may be obtained from Directorate of Food, Haji Camp Adda
GT Road, Peshawartill one day before tendering.
The proceedings during the tender opening shall be video recorded fortransparency.
O Newspaper ( 11 Jul, 2024)
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