Tender Info Services
Peshawar Development Authority Peshawar Tender Notice in Aaj newspaper of 12 July, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of Peshawar Development Authority Peshawar Tender Notice ( ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
Supply Of Transformers,Installation,IT Conductors,
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Notice Inuiting E-Biddingl
seated tenders on the b•asiS of "Singe TWO Etueecpi' on KPFM wes 2014. ere hereby invited from Firms /
enlisted With and registered With Pakistan Engineeritw Council their
registration / renewal fee for the 2023-24 for the under mentioned on percentage abue / below on the
BOQ/Enrneercostestimateas perdetail*lven below:-
Lüdate &
Cost Money
Dite & tinte
ar Technical
PEC codes
Sugd'tnd Install a'ticn
the External Electrificaticn c'
Feeder 1 and 2 8t Sector-Cand
Scegr•O '&dgl
Suggiyof rransforme;rs. i .T
Conduct'* 8t•'d Nied
the Interal Electrmcatian af
Feeder 1 and 2 St Sector-Cand
town. Pesha
Supply •nd Instal laticr. of H.V LT
the [email protected]
Flee rilication ot
at Sectcr•e ard Sectar -b of Zone-
WII ion
WI I ian
a. Enlistment Order PDA (photocopy). b. National Identity Cud ICNIC photoccoyJ. c. Pakistan Ercineenna Council
with copyfgr calendar d. Forr•n H Ofthe C.orn.peny/ Firm, showir€
getberal capabilities. financial soundness. general and relevant experience record, personnel capabilities, equipment
capabilitiesetc aspertechnical evölw.ation criteria, f, NTOC/PESCOregi5tration, G. No litization certificate.
Technical evalLjation Will be the basis Of technical evaluation eriteria in the office Chairman proa.jrernent
committee. Oate of ogening of Financial 8idS will be announced after the approval of 'technical Bids from the competent
Alfinancial Bidswill besubmitted throughomlineE-Bidding9ystemofPOA.
criteria Can upto 23;S9 before dateofopening
from POP' website. TheAdvertisementcan alsobe seen on KPPVtwebsite.
{Two Percent) earnest Bid Cost in theshaprofCalI
in the name of Director General. POA from scheduled banks in accordance With the Rule 2012) KPPRA Rules 2014 and
subsequent amendrr.ents (if anyb
limit of 10%belowtheEngineerEstimate shallsubmit bid security@2%onlyof Engineerestimate.
The quotingtheit bids than 10%belOW up to 20%helowon Engineer Estimated shallsuur'ftit With
their bids S%AdditionaISecuritvof Entimeers EstimatedcostintheshapeofCallDeposit in the nameofthe Director General,
from scheduled in additionto bid security, Ifthe bid is With therequired Of
security, then it will be considered as Non-aesponne and the 2% bid
shall be forfeited in fav•c« ofthe Government
and second lowest bidder & soon will brm•nsidrged
Similarly, a contractor quoting bid more than 20% below shall skjbmit wqth his bid an additional security on Engineer
Estimatedccstequalto the diffiöl ömovnt ofsubmitted bid•nd Ensineer Estimated alongwith detailed rateanaIY5is, In
ease Cd more than below bid* if the bid is accompanied-by khe detailed rate analysis at•td/Of regcifed amount
Additional Security, then the said bid shall be consideredäS Nn-Responsiæ. All the securities submitted along with such
Nøn-Respor1$ive bid $hall be forfeited in favor ofGm•ernrnenvandthe Indlo•we.$tbiddersoarl Willbea)rl$idered aca:rdingl'y-
Tender documents fee as mentioned above shall be p.pble through demand draft or pay order in the name of Oirector
POA (Non—refundable},
10 The bidders shall also submit their Bids {Hard
mical and financial with requisite docunments I-ez - E-Tender Form,
Boa, Active Taw Certificate, KPRA RCEi%ration {Active} and other required incli.'dlin€
earnest money tothe office orthe undersignedthrough Registered courier service. The dids received by hand. notthrough
ReEisteredCourieT Service and late shallnot be entertained,
IL The Fitms/cct•ttractorsshall submittheitbids "Finalizeioption on the "Bid Details" seetict•tof E-diddifig
After that the senerated tender form shall be vinted and submitted along with Bnn and otheT documents mention in
condition NO. S at this NIT. Thebidwill in the Officeofthechairrnan in the procurement committee
members, biddersorthelt authorized representativesonthe day andtime mentioned abne. Incasethe Bids/ propcsalsare
not the
due to unforeseen these Shall be Opened the thc
same placeandtirr.e.
u Acortifir.atetotheeffrathöt
cn•er / incompleteprojects and blacklistingor Stamgpeper.
13,0nly up to Tw•n Oecim* Disits 10.00) will be considered for evaluatiOn ofthe quoted Bid. If documentsub«rtitted alorz
With bid docume
false/ bogus expired, the registration of the contra:etat / Firm shall stands cancelled /
14.1n Case the detailed rate analysis subrnitted With the bids is, in View ofthe Procuring Entity, convincing, the Head Of the
ProcuringEntitvmaydeclaresuch bidsasNon-Responsive withoutamvfo«feitureofbid securities andrecord reasonthereof.
Ifthe aid willberetendered,
16Arty item not reflected in the BOQ and required at Site, shall be peid in accordance with MRS-2022 (Bi-Annu&l} f' prevailirq
17-'dlthecovernmenttaxes (Federal, Provincial aanyoüer) willbe deducted asperprevailingcovemment policy.
18. The procuringeTtitymayreject Bids orarrypmponVBidatanytime priortoacceptanceofa bid or proposals. The
procuring entity Shall upon communicate to any contractor, Who subffiitted a bid Of proposal, the grounds 'Of'
rejectic•nc« of all bidsorproposalsas perSection II) off,PPRARules 2014.
19. pertaining be seen in the Office Of the undersigned duringoffi:ce
All bidders be and in the Active Of the pukhtoc•nXhwa Authority,
establishedunderthe Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Act, 2013 (KP NO. XXI 0120B).
manipulation in to rejection.
22- Incomplete/coffdiitionalbidshall notoe •eceptable,
23. The Scope ofthewod canbeincreased•rdeaeasedas per siterequirernents,
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