Tender Info Services
District Police Officer Bahawalpur Tender Notice in Thenews newspaper of 12 July, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of District Police Officer Bahawalpur Tender Notice ( ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
Purchase Of Government Vehicles,
Purchase Of roads Safety Items,Cone For Roads,Purchase Of Bed Box,Purchase Of fair lights,Stationery,Machinery Computer,It Equipments,Iron Almirah,computer Hardware
****** Result for Image/Page 1 ******
Single Stage single Envelop sealed tender {Framegvork contract) is hereby invited by the undersigned in hard form
as well as at system through EPADS Aquisition Sytcm) (in soft) for purchase
repair of following miscellaneous items articles under various heads at DPO Office, Bahawalpur for the financial
year 2024-25. Thc detailed specifications & quantity ate in bidding documents uploaded at EPADS
fit' fig
7324-25 Tecck
ü:je 2024-25 on TetuSet fixm•e work coetract basis
Stations of Distric:l
ins ot MN', i'clice RegBt«s etc for Poise fc«
202-1-25 on fiat'*
Fair & Exhibitioo 14.hta;viog "ears etc. oo eve of lid Nah August Poise
Day etc. Under fix I)'ßtrict Police Office fc« the year 2024-25 oo
Teadet fta.tt* basis
Penhas•e of Mtse Coa.utev Stati«rty etc.) rot lb:strict Office
Ik•tt'b it. Sa•tiuy' Wie k",
tens & «ber Bo.•kk
Pc&e year
Of DitstJ'iCL Offl.ec Bahawalp•t.g thc
Of Witct
for Police tor thc 2024•2S on Tcod« frumg conaact
Pu«hase Spxts Item Dismct Offxe fw the year 2024-25 oo
Teod« frat'* ccatrxt basis
ot Mis. Tag PdkeOtboe &
Pu«hase of Muse Road Safety Cone for Road- Cenx•nt ELarrier, Trixngle
Barriers. Sigri Petu Hex. District f'0bce Office year 2021-25
Of C*'ht.
Video UPS CVIV hitters, *amers
Ektctlk Watc•t ac.
th Tadd
Repair of Misc. Mnlvtn«y & Equipment etc of Ihstrict Poke OITtee »•ar
on 'Ic•txkt'
Ihsnhase of Office Chit. Tabß Ccrnput< Revol•.ing Ct»iß. Tables Dining
oo Tender
ttk 2024-25 vori basts of Ihstnca Police O ff»ce
Bahaw• foe
Pu«hase of Night Vision Codem Ela.rrier. V»evv Mi:toc, I-ay« Bani« etc.
POI Q Office Bahaw•i Tetidt•t work basis.
Repai' & Muntenance of District Police Buildings etc. fo« year 2024-2S ca fratne
Of IT F.qtEßtK•fit etc of Police Office Batuwa!p.it' year 2024-2S Tet'bkt
frame basis.
md rity
Estimated Cc•t
Bid shill coanpriSe a single sealed package
one envelop alongwilh a proof Of online
submittiwruploadingthe same ate-procurement ten EPAPS
l) Financial proposal {Rateofallitetns incl*gall taxes/
finn's letter Irad
Sr. Descri tion Unit rice General Sales Tat Total unit rice
The envelope shouldbe marked in l»ld lette "FINANCIAL PROPOSAL" alcogwith pnofofupaoading the
same at EPADS:
Financial Prcpsal shall remain
presence of responsive bidders.
Thc biddeqs have to bcing thei
form) in tl•æ custody of the undersigned and be opened in the
ially qtßlified lowest hid would be accepted.
of items at the time of opening thc teqü•rs otl•.envise the offers diall be
The bidders shall submit bid security@03 % Ofthe total COSI in shape OfPay Bank Draft Of
uvy Scheduled of the District POIiee Oflicer, In case of tendays, the
earnest money will after finalization Of the tender.
In ease the bidders shall deposit a Performance Security@ of the total value of the
contract in the fociil of Call l>posit in the name of the District Polioe omccr, Bahawalpur uvd dmv the contract
agreement, Security shall be refunded on successful completion to PPRA Rule
ne Depanmeat reserves the right to ikcept ot reject all tetuiers without assigningany reason as PPR•Rule 3S
All the rates which were quoted in tender ate for the financial 2024-25 the basis Of Contract,
(fm 01.072024 to 3006202').
Any Of the total bids can only be rejected on basis of evaluation criteria;
l) procuring may all bids at any bid Of
2) procuring agency shall upon request communicate to biddet. the ground foc its rgß'tico ofall bidi or
proposals but Slüll requited 10 justify grounds PPRA Rule 35,
Bidding documents are also available at omce of the undersigned during office hours till 31? 2024. co
payment (xxv- (non-refundable).
All tenders Illust reach at the omce of the undersigned, on or before 31 it 202,1 before II 00 A.M. Tenders
will opened on the day at DPO Bahawalpur on 01:30 P,.y
The finn registered with incon•.e & Sale Tmx Departments uvly Inrtieipate in tendering pncess. All these
purchases will on frame wogk contract basis; estimated and total cost may vary and the department will
infom you in regard-
c ews paper
District Police Officer,
****** Result for Image/Page 1 ******
Single Stage single Envelop sealed tender {Framegvork contract) is hereby invited by the undersigned in hard form
as well as at system through EPADS Aquisition Sytcm) (in soft) for purchase
repair of following miscellaneous items articles under various heads at DPO Office, Bahawalpur for the financial
year 2024-25. Thc detailed specifications & quantity ate in bidding documents uploaded at EPADS
fit' fig
7324-25 Tecck
ü:je 2024-25 on TetuSet fixm•e work coetract basis
Stations of Distric:l
ins ot MN', i'clice RegBt«s etc for Poise fc«
202-1-25 on fiat'*
Fair & Exhibitioo 14.hta;viog "ears etc. oo eve of lid Nah August Poise
Day etc. Under fix I)'ßtrict Police Office fc« the year 2024-25 oo
Teadet fta.tt* basis
Penhas•e of Mtse Coa.utev Stati«rty etc.) rot lb:strict Office
Ik•tt'b it. Sa•tiuy' Wie k",
tens & «ber Bo.•kk
Pc&e year
Of DitstJ'iCL Offl.ec Bahawalp•t.g thc
Of Witct
for Police tor thc 2024•2S on Tcod« frumg conaact
Pu«hase Spxts Item Dismct Offxe fw the year 2024-25 oo
Teod« frat'* ccatrxt basis
ot Mis. Tag PdkeOtboe &
Pu«hase of Muse Road Safety Cone for Road- Cenx•nt ELarrier, Trixngle
Barriers. Sigri Petu Hex. District f'0bce Office year 2021-25
Of C*'ht.
Video UPS CVIV hitters, *amers
Ektctlk Watc•t ac.
th Tadd
Repair of Misc. Mnlvtn«y & Equipment etc of Ihstrict Poke OITtee »•ar
on 'Ic•txkt'
Ihsnhase of Office Chit. Tabß Ccrnput< Revol•.ing Ct»iß. Tables Dining
oo Tender
ttk 2024-25 vori basts of Ihstnca Police O ff»ce
Bahaw• foe
Pu«hase of Night Vision Codem Ela.rrier. V»evv Mi:toc, I-ay« Bani« etc.
POI Q Office Bahaw•i Tetidt•t work basis.
Repai' & Muntenance of District Police Buildings etc. fo« year 2024-2S ca fratne
Of IT F.qtEßtK•fit etc of Police Office Batuwa!p.it' year 2024-2S Tet'bkt
frame basis.
md rity
Estimated Cc•t
Bid shill coanpriSe a single sealed package
one envelop alongwilh a proof Of online
submittiwruploadingthe same ate-procurement ten EPAPS
l) Financial proposal {Rateofallitetns incl*gall taxes/
finn's letter Irad
Sr. Descri tion Unit rice General Sales Tat Total unit rice
The envelope shouldbe marked in l»ld lette "FINANCIAL PROPOSAL" alcogwith pnofofupaoading the
same at EPADS:
Financial Prcpsal shall remain
presence of responsive bidders.
Thc biddeqs have to bcing thei
form) in tl•æ custody of the undersigned and be opened in the
ially qtßlified lowest hid would be accepted.
of items at the time of opening thc teqü•rs otl•.envise the offers diall be
The bidders shall submit bid security@03 % Ofthe total COSI in shape OfPay Bank Draft Of
uvy Scheduled of the District POIiee Oflicer, In case of tendays, the
earnest money will after finalization Of the tender.
In ease the bidders shall deposit a Performance Security@ of the total value of the
contract in the fociil of Call l>posit in the name of the District Polioe omccr, Bahawalpur uvd dmv the contract
agreement, Security shall be refunded on successful completion to PPRA Rule
ne Depanmeat reserves the right to ikcept ot reject all tetuiers without assigningany reason as PPR•Rule 3S
All the rates which were quoted in tender ate for the financial 2024-25 the basis Of Contract,
(fm 01.072024 to 3006202').
Any Of the total bids can only be rejected on basis of evaluation criteria;
l) procuring may all bids at any bid Of
2) procuring agency shall upon request communicate to biddet. the ground foc its rgß'tico ofall bidi or
proposals but Slüll requited 10 justify grounds PPRA Rule 35,
Bidding documents are also available at omce of the undersigned during office hours till 31? 2024. co
payment (xxv- (non-refundable).
All tenders Illust reach at the omce of the undersigned, on or before 31 it 202,1 before II 00 A.M. Tenders
will opened on the day at DPO Bahawalpur on 01:30 P,.y
The finn registered with incon•.e & Sale Tmx Departments uvly Inrtieipate in tendering pncess. All these
purchases will on frame wogk contract basis; estimated and total cost may vary and the department will
infom you in regard-
c ews paper
District Police Officer,
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