Tender Info Services
Peshawar Development Authority Peshawar Tender Notice in Dawn newspaper of 12 July, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of Peshawar Development Authority Peshawar Tender Notice ( ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
supply & installation of h,t conductors & Allied material for the external Electrification
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Notice Inviting E-Bidding)
Sealed tenders on the basis of "Single Stage Two Envelop" on KPPRA Rules 2014, are hereby invited from Firms /
Contractors/companies enlisted with PDA and registered with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) who have paid their
registration / renewal fee for the year 2023-24 for the under mentioned work on percentage above / below on the
BOQ/Engineer cost estimate as per detail given below:-
Last date &
time of
submission of
10:30 AM
Date & time
All Relevant
Name of Work
Supply and Installation of H.T
Conductor and Allied Material for
the External Electrification of
Feeder 1 and 2 at Sector-C and
Sector-D of Zone-I, Regi Model
Town, Peshawar.
Supply of Transformers, I.T
Conductor and Allied Material for
the Internal Electrification of
Feeder 1 and 2 at Sector-C and
Sector-D of Zone-I. Regi Model
Town, Peshawar.
ed Cost
ed cost
ts Fee
of opening
of Technical
11:30 AM
PEC codes
C-3 & Above
As per
Supply and Installation of H.T/ L.T
poles for the External
Electrification of Feeder 1 and 2
at Sector-C and Sector -D of Zone-
1, Regi Model Town, Peshawar
(KPPRA Single Stage Two Envelop Bidding Procedure)
Technical bid / proposal should accompanythe following:
a. Enlistment Order PDA (photocopy). b. National Identity Card (CNIC photocopy). c. Pakistan Engineering Council
registration with relevant codes copy for calendar year 2023-2024. d. Form H of the Company/ Firm. e. Documents showing
general capabilities, financial soundness, general and relevant experience record, personnel capabilities, equipment
capabilities etc as per technical eval uation criteria. f. NTDC/PESCO registration. G. No litigation certificate.
Technical evaluation will be out on the basis of technical evaluation criteria in the office of chairman procurement
committee. Date of opening of Financial Bids will be announced after the approval of Technical Bids from the competent
All financial Bids will be submitted through online E-Bidding System of PDA.
Online tender form /B.O.Q/Technical evaluation criteria can be downloaded up to 23:59 Hrs one day before date of opening
from PDA website. The Advertisement can also be seen on KPPRA website.
2% (Two Percent) earnest money/ Bid security of Engineer Estimated Cost must be accompanied in the shape of Call Deposit
in the name of Director General, PDA from scheduled banks in accordance with the Rule 20(2) of KPPRA Rules 2014 and
subsequent amendments (if any).
In light of the KPPRA Notification No. S.R.O (14): Voll-24Q021-22, Dated 10/050022, the contractor quoting their bids up to
limit of 10% below the Engineer Estimate shall submit bid security@ 2% only of Engineer Estimate.
The contractors quoting their bids more than 10% below up to 20% below on Engineer Estimated cost shall submit along with
their bids 8% Additional Security of Engineers Estimated cost in the shape of Call Deposit in the name of the Director General,
PDA from scheduled bank in addition to 2% bid security. Ifthe bid is not accompanied with the required amount of additional
security, then it will be considered as Non-Responsive and the 2% bid security shall be forfeited in favor of the Government
and the second lowest bidder & so on will be considered accordingly.
Similarly, a contractor quoting bid more than 20% below shall submit with his bid an additional security on Engineer
Estimated cost equal to the diffial amount of submitted bid and Engineer Estimated along with detailed rate analysis. In
case of more than 20% below bids. if the bid is not accompanied by the detailed rate analysis and/or required amount of
Additional Security, then the said bid shall be considered as Non-Responsive. All the securities submitted along with such
Non-Responsive bid shall be forfeited in favor of Government and the 2nd lowest bidder so on will be considered accordingly.
Tender documents fee as mentioned above shall be payable through demand draft or pay order in the name of Director
General, PDA (Non-refundable).
10. The bidders shall also submit their Bids (Hard Copy) technical and financial with requisite documents i-e: - E-Tender Form,
BOQ, Active NTN/lncome Tax Certificate, PEC@KPRA Registration (Active) and other required documents including 2%
earnest money to the office of the undersigne through Registered Courier Service. The Bids received by hand, not through
Registered Courier Service and late shall 00 be entertained.
11. The Firms/Contractors shall submit their?ids by pressing/ clicking "Finalize" option on the "Bid Details" section of E- Bidding.
After that the generated tender forn@hall be printed and submitted along with BOQ and other documents mention in
condition No.5 ofthis NIT. The bid "I'l&e opened in the office of the chairman in the presence of all procurement committee
members, bidders or their author„i4ed representatives on the day and time mentioned above. In case the Bids/ proposals are
not opened on the above mentiOmed date due to unforeseen reasons these shall be opened on the next working day at the
same place and time.
12. A certificate to the effect thay here is no dispute of the Firm with any department involved litigation / arbitration on the left
over/ incomplete projects Ånd blacklisting or Stamp papere
13. Only up to Two Decima 'Digits (0.00) will be considered for evaluation of the quoted Bid. If any document submitted along
with bid documen ound false/ bogus or expired, the registration of the Contractor / Firm shall stands cancelled /
14.1n case the detailed te analysis submitted with the bids is, in view of the Procuring Entity, not convincing, the Head of the
Procu ring Entity may declare such bids as Non-Responsive without any forfeiture of bid securities and record reason thereof.
15. Ifthe Bid becomes tie, the same will be retendered.
16.Any item not reflected in the BOQ and required at site, shall be paid in accordance with MRS-2022 (Bi-Annual) / prevailing
ma rket rates with the approval of the Competent Authority.
17. All the Government taxes (Federal, Provincial & any other) will be deducted as per prevailing Government policy.
18. The procuring entity may reject all Bids or any proposal/Bid at any time prior to acceptance ofa bid or proposals. The
procuring entity shall upon request communicate to any contractor, who submitted a bid or proposal, the grounds for
rejection or of all bids or proposa Is as per Section 47 (1) of KPPRA Rules 2014.
19. Other terms & conditions pertaining to the work can be seen in the office of the undersigned at any working day during office
20. All the bidders must be registered and in the Active tax payer list of the Khyber PukhtoonKhwa Revenue Authority,
established underthe Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Act, 2013 (KP Act No. XXI of 2013).
21. Any disfiguring/overwriting, manipulation in the tendershall be liableto rejection.
Incomplete/conditional bid shall not be acceptable.
23, The Scope ofthe work can be increased or decreased as per site requirements.
O Newspaper ( 12 Jul, 2024)
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