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Peshawar Electric Supply Company Peshawar Tender Notice in Dawn newspaper of 12 July, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of Peshawar Electric Supply Company Peshawar Tender Notice ( PESCO ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
DESIGN,SUPPLY, INSTALLATION,Dg mirad pesco, 132kvgss university
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Peshawar Electic Supply Company "Employer" invites sealed Bids on NCB (National
Competitive Bidding) basis through PPRA EPADS for the "Design, Supply, Installation, Testing &
Commissioning of net-metering based Solar PV System" on FCS (free Delivery to consignee)
Basis to PESCO, Peshawar without involving any foreign exchange element at the following 03
No. ofPESCO premises from the Contractors/Firms registered with PP 1B:
Tender No.
Name of Site/Premises
DG MIRAD PESCO, 132 kV GSS University, Danishabad, Peshawar
(35 kW)
Chief Engineer (Development) PMU, PESCO HQ, Peshawar (45 kW)
SE Khyber (Operation Circle PESCO, Peshawar. (60 kW)
Project/Material will be financed u nder PESCO Assets for the year 2024-25.
This Invitation for Bids is open to all bidders registered with Private Power and Infrastructure Board
(the "PPIB") under AEDB (Certification) Regulations, 2021(amended to date) in the relevant
A Bidder shall be a natural person, private entity, or govemment-owned enterprise or any
combination who is active tax payerwith FBR and KPRA.
The successful Bidder shall be subjected to all Govt admissible taxes at prevailing rates including
sale tax, service tax/charg es and any other.
National Competitive Bidding (NCB) will be conducted according to the Single Stage -Two Envelope
process, and it is open to all eligible bidders registered on PPRA EPADS. Bids must cover the full
tender quantity, less quantity will not be accepted.
Bidders must register through the e-Pak Acquisition & Disposal System (EPADS) as per PPRA
regulations. Registration is free ofcost through the Electronic Vendor Registration (e-VR) system on
the PPRAwebsite.
Bidders can download the complete set of bidding documents from EPADS at
www.eprocure.gov.pk Alternatively, the documents can be obtained by submitting a written
application to the Director General MIRAD PESCO Peshawar by 19 August 2024, during office
hours. In either case, a non-refundable fee of Rs. 2000/- must be paid, and the receipt must be
included with the bid.
Tender will be received through EPADS only.
Original Sealed bids must be delivered to the office of Director General Mirad, 132 kV GSS
University Danishabad, PESCO Peshawar, by 20 August 2024 at 11•.00 AM (Local Time) for official
record purpose. Technical Bids will be openeon the same day at 11:30 AM in the presence of
bidders 'authorized representative(s) who h oseto attend atthe same address.
10. All bids mustbe accompanied by a Bid Sec Ity amountingto Rs. 9000/-perkW made outinfavor of
the Director General, MIRAD, PES QPeshawarto be valid for 120 days from the tender opening
date, issued by any scheduled ba
Pakistan with A+ rating.
11. Bidders must demonstrate a minin m of 5 years of experience in designing, supplying, installation,
testing and commissioning based Solar PV systems of similar scale and complexity,
12. Manufacturer
eåer and copy of renewal of registration/pre-qualification documents
with PPIB(as applicab e).nd sales tax department are mandatory and should be produced at the
time ofissuance often e/ documents and with in the bid schedule.
13. There will be no derdocuments on the tender opening date.
14. The bid validity penod is 90 days from the date of opening.
5. Conditional bids will not be accepted.
16. All procurement will be done according to PPRA Rules 2004 amended to date.
17. The Prices should be firm and final on FCS basis without involving any foreign exchange element.
18. This adveÅisement is also available on www.pesco.com.pk and www.ppra.o rq.pk.
19. PESCO (Peshawar Electric Supply Company) reserves all its rights regarding rejection of
Tenders without providing any justification as defined in clause 33(1) of PPRA rules 2004.
I n case holiday announced by the Govt of Pakistan, or any other reasons what so ever due to which this
office remains closed on the above schedule tender opening date. the tender will be opened on next
working day at the same time and place/venue. Interested bidders may obtain further information from
the office of:
DG (MIRAD) PESCO, Peshawar
132 kV University GSS, Danishabad, Peshawar
Phone: 091-9331204 , Email: [email protected]
O Newspaper ( 12 Jul, 2024)
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