Tender Info Services
National Transmission & Despatch Company Lahore Tender Notice 2 in Jang newspaper of 12 July, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of National Transmission & Despatch Company Lahore Tender Notice 2 ( NTDC ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing
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Bid wetencewnc.18-2024
1. Nanonal rmsmission and Despatch Compeny Limited (NTDC.L) •the Employer'. "Items to get the
wor€s ror Convact TLC.18-2024 NTOC rescorccs. The works iS
constructbn and campletica g' Civil Works, Erection, Stringing. resting & Commissiamng cd SCOW DIC
O'.*d gumse transrntSi00 une Iron Sangal 10 500" Mita Switching Statm fa.øproxv 83.5kIV'}. USiC9
ACSR •aunting • Conductor. The detail is as follow:
300kV Oouble C.ccuit Ouaa Bondle Transatss.icnl.irg Nc 01 NearSangal to tower Mo.
Lot-II: 5CNkVDouble Circuit 01Äd Bunoe ftotn TjaetNO. 69 Neareoeja&'arifto
Lot-ill: 135NeatRatti t0500kV
Switching Station (36, S km
2. Etr.Dlaycr inwtCS sealed bidS CliOitee Vitros or getsms liCC•nsetJ by the PüiStan Engineerit•.g
Council in the category fry the scope ofWtorks, National Competitive Bidding will
be corauctc:d ittacccwa.rtce With PECSÜ'I* Stage• ENO l•ocu: (SS TEI•ørocedi.re.
3. Bid-ters n•zay obtain further informat•m from. inspect at and Equire Bidding Dccumems from the
Srtaræenr..omßlex, tgertooRaad, tatue•Pakistan
TelephonethY2-Q-gg2D2S97, FaxNo.92-42-M'202173,
A coapete set at Bung Dcoarnects may oe purcnaseø an interested Bit*ler submissi•an ot a
written applicatiC•n to the Office upor paw•nent Of a non-refundable fee Ot SOJO frt«tt Office Of CE
at payment oy iltatt fram any bank in Paotan in tavor CE
bidi*' as a main c:mtraclty tas single entity or as partner) must have sunstantZlly
completed cmst:uctÄX1 contract(s) campnsir.g of *tailed survey. sub-soil investjgatons.
or ccnv•entianal foundations. erect'
camrnissiming g' at teasl Slktn cd 220kV or higher
by cmtroted 00'eyears.
'If Bidder IOS executed these contract(S) as a
string.'lg, tes'lirg &
lec transmissicn Ities strung
, he all the
atbvit;je.S mentioned t'te,reittbcrorc
SOCII transrn•att lit-tes rnust beeg-t o
10de:adline rorscamiss•ano'lbids.
case tne s sut»mittea oy a ioiral
næet the anove experience critE1ia.
tits bit*ing wocessv lead partrgr
Each JV padr•er atner than
hä'iE oomp•leud as a main contractor or
approved sub-cordrattor compriGing at deta.il€d survey, sub-GO"
i0'CStjgatiortG. construction or conventional ICAJßdatjÜ'S, erection Of towers, stringing-
testing & at 220kV voltage bundle:d transmission
metradduttnglastle.n (1 years,
Mall Wideroe in this reqarc including inter aua cocoes (Witn
attr@contract agreemertl$„ suns•tantja complet)ton ant
The bidder oval guad burdle tens.icn stringing illortg with associated
TGP and critici•eooment d!" supported wilh euider.tctcateoql.esfdtae,'ings
like wcrks•n goocwctmgcall(lilion, Alternatively. i' tne
source of saiC nzchirer»•. etc. along documentary
and shall provide recessary guarameefsurety that he
arrange ü'esaidem.lipmerdii good workjngcar.ditiCT1 through its resourcespriO•r tostartaf
stringngacbvity. Tttearcrementijned Shall submittedwith t'Cbid.
6. bids must oeacccønwaniec Security in lhe arrjouatspec:djec for totin diddir.g
Data in Cd oar' guaa.ntee onbidsecwity form the formcd dL'FOSitatC.all cgfrorwa
$.cnetfllec Bara in Pakistan in
7. The bidS be dL'live•e:] to the atove Office Ct before kW.St 15.2024 at 1 1 am. BidS Bifl be
opened 1 3Jam ltgsame day, inthepresenceot chocse attend at
't'* same address.
Venue - ShaheenCamßie:x, E•aeftonmaad. L,afve •Pakistan
g. NTOCreserveallitsriahts ar
O ewspaper
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