Tender Info Services
National Transmission & Despatch Company Lahore Tender Notice in Jang newspaper of 12 July, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of National Transmission & Despatch Company Lahore Tender Notice ( NTDC ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing
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1. national TranstiÉSiCfi oesøatdi CCtnpany Limited (NTDCL} •the Emp•lCtiV" , it'tenes to get the WdrkS öjne fC•r CCt'trEt TLC•22•
2024 tray,jgh WDC rescorces. Tlte Soape or iS coqstnxtion 01 wc.rgs. Erecti00. Stringing, resting &
Commissonir.a ot 500k} Dcutye Circutl Ouat aune Transnlission une trom 50(lÅV Maira Switching $tat:im to Isumab&ä West
Substatin (Approx. 131 and Dcuble Transn•.iss.icn Li'E frt*ll Maira Switching Station to Karat Switchyard (20km Approx.},
I.ßing ACSR *Orak0" CCOdLCtOt. tsetailisas 10110WS
50LV0cgme Ouaø L ire No. 223 Near 71
Lot-II: 500k" DcubleCircui1 Ouac Burdle Iransmisign Lirefrct-n Tower"a. 223%ear Sihalt050(lkV Islamabø;i WestSubstation (Approx.
W •Ill: 50CkVDouble Circe: Iliad Bundle Transmission Line front thira Switching Station t0Ka.rotSwdCh'ßd (Apnrox. 2Ük'fiJ
2, Tlte ETOIoyer sealed bidS rrcgoeli#le cg cerscos b/ Pakistan Engineering C.ourvcil in the appropoatecategc«vfot'
me above at Natona Biljang (NCBJwill conducted in accorcmc.e PEC Singe Errelope
3. 8i6dCfS may i•ctatar.d acquire the Bilßit•tg OCOJt•nentS rrc«nthe Cffjceor the EtnaDlcyet,at:
Sth F locc Snaheen Complex. Egertm Road. Lahore-Pakistan
E•tnail address: Pk
4. A corr,01ete setct Bidding ocajtneots am be gurcttased an interested Bidder on suorross.im of a Mitten to tne aooqe office
payment ct a fee from Office CE (MP8Mb WiM oe try Dam tram am sc:neculec
tenkin Pakjstanin tavor of CE (MP&Mj NTßC.BthFlocc - Shaheen Cccnplex. TLC-22-202,a.
me bidder as a ma.jn cvttractor •tas sng.le entity or as partner cg approved sjncontractorj must nave sunstanlia,lty
C:cnstn.xljon cantractlSJ Of detailed survey, SJJb•scö
towers, testing & fOlbOWitO
Lot-I: • OJ vcaage or three or
ccntrolled tension meÜ10d (Nring last ten (
tot-I: • One (1)
tertsjon met'0ddut'iO.stten (10
Ot tower conventional
tmsmissicn lines at least 355'km stung by
lines Cd at tea,St3COgn Sttung bj' control led
tension meth0ddutVO.stten (ICO yean
•r ttC8iddCtha.S executed Shan have ca.ßiCd cot all thC *tikiitjesrnentjcnedhc.rcoerore.
• For purpose ofthisclause„ tie
shall be throw* Ctxnplet;im Certificates.iTa:kü1gover etc-
Slit' transmissojn•nesrnust haw been two yeasprjor to deafiCIOtS.Lim•jrtOfbidS.
Incase lhe is submitted biddirg process. read partners shall meet
øa.rmer amer than the must ljave 031bDletOd a contractor. JV panna cg sub•contractor
contractßJ comor&g gfaetailec survey. investsaatians, canstructiM ot tawer oanventimal foundations.
etectjon Of town Stringing, & Cd' 2.20kV higher 'O'ttage tl.meed transmisso:un lines Of least 1 7.25kfii in
ca:æ Lot-I" 15km incaseittd,ll incaseotLot-Ustrvtgttycontrcee,d durifl9 lastten (10jvears.
The Bidder Shall the Bid evidence in thiS regard hcluding infer alia ccoiES IWiYl English translab010 cd contract
stnstnalcomptetjoncerttljcateßlanø telecas notaritec. tcgtm
The tension } equip«nent æong associated ILP and gitical evuipmentas per requirement of
the grctec•l duty docurnentary Wideocetataloguesura•mngs unctertüjng such like vans in goo:]
it not o. the icentdy u•vecordjrmecmurceaftnezid rna.ctlirvj. t&Petc, an.ngwiül
sW prC"ide rTcessary hC said equinentingcc•d
c:mtltion through itsown resourcespriUID startaf stgingirg act'/iW- The aforementicoed $cutmenwyevidencesh& submittec
tnetliddecc€his mcooseøsueoontra•ctvsnall nyercrcssir,9 eunngtm last (05) roeyears.
6, All bids must oeaccompanieø by a Securtty in Lot •n the Bidd.ng Data •n tnefixrnat ot oar" guarantee
on bid security form provi±d or in formotc.ositatcall or frcna gankin Pakistanin tavor cd Employer.
7. to ttteatm•e cutceonor beroteAugust 13v2024 at 11:03 an. Biff-swill coene•d at "Y , in
the presertc:ec,' croosetoatter.d attnesameadøress. them,did meeting Willbeoor,ductedonJJly 25.20Q4at
8. NTDCæ•seve all its rights regarding retecticnat tids as defined inmause33f1iofPPRARules2tIM.
O Newspaper (1 Ju, 202 )
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