Tender Info Services
Capital Development Authority Islamabad Tender Notice in Dunya newspaper of 14 July, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of Capital Development Authority Islamabad Tender Notice ( CDA ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
Hiring Of Transaction Advisor,Firm Or Consortium Of Firms
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Capdal Ceveloønent Authority (COA} was established is ot ddesl
C*iiC trga'uatkws Pakistan. authitN*y was created with the airti to dQ,lcoand rnüitäil
me captai Citi'. Islamabad, Utd ds surroL0ding areas. mer years' COA has dsøtayed a
erucu tee il fre planrütg, tBian, ard City, ensuring dS *OWth
The autl•oriy has been responsible ccosrucSan vatic•.js iconic
landrrwks Islwnabad, including goverrunent tQJik:fngs. parks, and areas.
2, CDAi9teusto
registered with SECP ICAP (Insttute ot Chartered Accou<s of Paustan)
and legal üiSCO' setices.
Phase Undertake a convehemsia•e teasitey study Ice the transacSon.
Phase 2.• If teqtÉed, provide at"iscey serviC@S prccutenent concluson OT
3- The savices Shill include bid nd to: (i) due [Mgence Of
prover* (i} commercial assessment ("J liranci* feasibiliy assessment entactatiro tisks
their costs transaction strudwima e•sis proiect imludirp vdue
trgtsactjcgv doctrnents tecrncal legal assjstancc support:
ard O") assetance in execution bit%ilq prccess in an
eot•npeuwe trta.met a.M stncesslU' 01 Transaction as reguta.ti•ocs Ot t.F*
Authcrity, TA g:qected to associate tern wth rekvant ewerience. TA with
requiGite tea.l estate related atösary sevices may subtWt
r */Mtt proffes irtforrnautn:
i, GlcOal of last 05
ii, Proar 01 with Tax Sales Tax Oeputnents (active payer Status};
iii. Oetaa at at Jogt two rea.l estate t.t*'sactkrn athtisoty prqectg Ot PKR 5 811iC(i
by (bling last Ten (10} years,
iv- Ulit TA or associ*ed tnernt« EdiCk 'Sted by
Govemn•ent put&
v. Ant* reports Ot last ttøee Fars
4. EOIdocumeotsarea•æableonPP8AE.PAOS
"'ewe of cost The
be dawdoadCd from CDAs
CCOi@S C' EOI dccurnents be
purchased from attice No 28. No.
COA Segetariat Ishmabad up to 02084024 sut«nissi.m ap•gøcation
a non-refartda.ble an•tount Rs .3,DCO'• thousand in SIV Ot east' be:ittq
cost cd hours on or date and *ne,
S- Transacti(fi Ct consorßi.ugvo' aeo rewstered with PPA on É•PADS as
IA Ccosutlards are to & submit the EOI d,cc.urrMts, The
*COfå.nce with Cost Based Sek•ction IOC8S) method.
6. related rnay be obtOd trom fre Focal Person Mr. Saiad
acconaxiéd wifr Bid security earnest Money Rs. 01.00 Wlicn
in pay in O' 000-PrOCtzegrent & COA,
øro:spective *Bers scanned CCPii 01 did Searity 00 t•PADS and
be the Otfcg af Director P&C-I, COA- alcog witti EOL
8• The Transaction AåiSOf/tirm Ot eonsc«tium o' firns are also I'eq'.fiCd to
onlir,e through E.PAC$ at betace opening date,
Oli•$nal EOI acccod,uvce with the provisiiNS o' Rule 361b} Public Procurenera
Rules•2004 and terms & conations lietined in tie EOI nust be uncrated at
Qntioned ädåess at 1103 AM.
AM in the presence C' tle Comrnittee & •uthc&ed who Choose
to attend tle apetit•pg sessicn to be at the ctfiee Oirector (Room NO 29 BIOCk
l'" CDA. Segetariat. G-74
'O" Aj.jt.rmty reserves the right to reject all the Wiitabons as PPAA Riles 2004.
11- The Advertisement is also avit±le on COA Yid PPRAs websaes.
Deputy P&CA.I, CDA
NO Ill, NO-28
CDA Secretariat. Sector G 7/4 Islamabad
PIO*" 378124
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