Tender Info Services
King Edward Medical University Lahore Tender Notice in Express newspaper of 29 August, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of King Edward Medical University Lahore Tender Notice ( KEMU ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing
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King Edward Medical university, Lahore intends to tender out the following scheme through E,
Tendering process introduced by PPRA. All contractors who are registered with Pakistan
Engineering Council (PEC), having valid NTN for the Financial Year 2024-25 can to participate in
open E•Tendering System, Procurement procedure strictly be adopted in accordance with PPRA
Rules 2014, Contractors can participate in E•Tendering after fulfilling following terms & conditions.
I. After registration on E-Tendering website www.eenw.punjab.ggy.ok contractor of eligible
categories may participate in E-Tendering.
2. The bidding documents are available on EPADS and PPRA website. The bidding documents
can also be purchased from office of the undersigned after paying prescribed fee.
3. Contractor has to quote online percentage rates on below or above basis up to 18-09-2024
at 11:00 AM after receiving BOQ of the scheme available at website. The rates quoted
online by the contractor will be downloaded from website and will be announced on same
date at 11:30 AM.
4. All the contractors participating in E•Tendering will be bound to submit original bid security
with letter head in office Of the undersigned up till tender opening date before closing time.
Otherwise the contractor will be declared as disqualified in the presence of tender opening
5. In case of false information, fake bid security, contractor will be liable to disqualify as per
PPRA Rules and will not be eligible to participate in upcoming tenders of KEMU, Lahore.
Further his case will be forwarded to PEC and for initiation of strict legal action.
6. Conditional tenders and tenders without8åSecurity in the shape of Bank Guarantee /Call
Deposit Receipt in favor of "Vice Ch ncellor, KEMU, Lahore" issued by Scheduled Bank shall
be rejected.
7. The Competent Authority shåll ave the right to reject all Bids/Tenders before the
acceptance of Bids in accora with PPRA rules.
5% (Rs)
Name work
Annual Special Repair/ Renovation Of
"New Hose Block" McLeod Road
Boys Hostel KEMU, Lahore
Annual Special Repair/ Renovation of
Farooq Hostel Block McLeod Road
Hostel, KEMU, Lahore
Cost (Rs)
24-08-2024 06 Months
24-08-2024 04 Months
Engr. Qasim Amin
Director P&D,
King Edward Medical University,
O Newspaper ( 2s Aug, 2u24)
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