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Gwadar Port Authority Gwadar Auction Notice in Dawn newspaper of 02 September, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of Gwadar Port Authority Gwadar Auction Notice ( GPA ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
Procurement Of Crane Iron Scrap At Gwadar Port,Unserviceable Generator,Unserviceable, Hvac & Chiller System,Unserviceable, Buoys,Rubber Fender,Iron Stairs And Miscellaneous Scrap
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G»vadar Port Authority
Pak-China Friendship Avenue, Gwadar
Office No. 0864-212804
Gwadar Port Authority, Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Government of Pakistan Intends to dispose of following
items IS" & •WHERE AS" basis through open auction:
Nature of item
Crane Iron Scrap at Gwadar port
Unserviceable Generators {7SOKVA 03
Noj 220KVA OX and 40KVA 01 No) alone
with accessorieg
Unservicea ble HVAC & Chiller system
Unserviceable B Rubber Fender,
Iron stairs and miscellaneous scrape
Open Auction
19/9/2024 at IOAM
19/9/2024 at 12:30PM
19/9/2024 at 1:30 PM
19/9/2024 at 2:30 PM
bid Security
Conference Room GPA Head
Office Gwa dar
Conference Room GPA Head
Office Gwadar
Conference Room GPA Head
Office Gwadar
Conference Room GPA Head
Office Gwadar
Items can be inspected at GPA Gwadar and for inspection contact: Zafar Ali Electrical Engineer Cell#
The Firms/individuals should be registered with erne Tax department as well as active tax payer of FBR.
The applying/interested firms/åndividuals wil be equired to submit a call deposit as bid security in the name
of Gwadar Port Authority on or before date as mentioned in the above table, along with copy of
CNIC, contact details. The cail deposits to unsuccessful bidder after completion of the auction
process. The auction will be held on t .date/time and address mentioned in the above table. The bid will be
valid for the period of 90 days w.e.fd't f auction.
The highest ranked bidders will b+equired to deposit 25% of the bid amount on the same day in shape of
demand draft, CDR jn the nam Gwadar Port Authority, otherwise his bid shall be considered as cancelled
and bid security amount shal
The successful/highest bidd
II have to deposit remaining bid amount along will all the Government taxe5
within 07 days of appro a o b , the deposited 2S% and security amount shall be stand forfeited-
The successful bidder a I pay all applicable Government taxes as per prevailing rates.
The successful bidder"', be required to take away the items immediately after award of the contract and if it
is not taken by succéSsTul bidder within 10 days, the penalty will be imposed according.
All type of securit and safety measures shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder and GPA will not be
responsible f n loss or damage sustained or caused to items after auction.
Incase of bidåing date Is declared as public Holiday by the Government, the next working day shall be deemed
to be the dake for bjdding at the same time/placee
Auction Notice is also available on PPRA website wwwtppra.ormpk as well as GPA website
www.gwa dareogt.gey.pk
Gwadar port Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids tn the light of Public Procurement
Regulatory Authority (PPRA) Rules.
O Newspaper ( 02 Sep,
Director General IPAD)
Gwadar Port Authority
GPA Head Office Pak China Friendship Avenue
Gwadar, Pakistan Tel: 086-4212804
http//www.gwadarport.gov-pk http/www.ppra.org.pk
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