Tender Info Services
Punjab Irrigation Department Lahore Tender Notice in Nawaiwaqt newspaper of 07 September, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of Punjab Irrigation Department Lahore Tender Notice ( ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
Consultancy Service,Consultant,Consultany Firm
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Pl.mjab Irrigation Departrnent. Govermmt 01 the Punj&, represented by Chlef Engneer,
Water Resources Zone, Ir#tion Department, Canal Bank, M*alpura. nends
to hire the service of eligible. experienced frrne for •Fea.lblUty Study and
Detailed Deslgn of Intorvøntlons for Rovlval Of Degraded Rlvorø In the PunJab
(Phase-IY under finmchg from Annual Development Prograrn.
The objecfive of the consultancy is to provide Innovative end authenticated opums to
revive the degraded rivers in terms of the enwomnent and ecology to Yrvovø ther h•eanh
after Indus Water Treaty, The general of services Include but
fimued to: i) of existhg situation ('Odal; agrieunural, ground woW)
of impact Of IWT, availabMy of water rnlAr«nent Of Envtonmedal
for revival of rivers and assesrnent for ensuring that water Vdh
ØNideration ot availability water in system per Water Accord 1991, analysis of
optionsfinterventions proposed for revival of degraded rivers; li) Review the ecoloieal and
en'üonmetnal Of the eastern rivers hlduding Ravi. Beas and Chenab
gather review secondary ilformation inclu:düv available data Of ground water,
production. water queity. mitration trenl bnd holdng and assess me
requirement of environmental flow for revival of degraded rivers; iii) cortßider the Impact of
ground extradion and its ftflure on grow-vd water taue.
The procedg,re of these consutancy assignnwnt be as per asurarm
procedures and nstru<ions laid down by the deperfiwrt.
The duration of Consultancy wouu be Six(06) months fran commencement date Of
Expressions of Interest (EOI) are invited from ventures of frrns (not more than 3
firms) registered *4th Pakistan EnginetfiV Courru who have tremseives renewed ror
the cu fiscal year by aubmnting follmving information/docum•nts (as
Pee-Qualification Document). In ease of Joint Venture. relevant irlomation
the lead fim and all its panners Shal be provided:
Name, address. tdephone and fax ard e-mail ad&ess consultants.
Ownership and organizational Of the
Certificate of It-corporation/ Registration of the firm as legal with Securities
and Exchange Commission or Registrar of
Registation of firm with P*istan Engineering Council (PEC) and latest renewal
Affidavit / undenakhig that the firm iS neäher blackfisted by any Government/Semi
Government Organization nor is under any litigation.
Certificate of National Tax Number with the FBR and Vith PRA for PST purposes.
List of three (03) similar assignments in total undertaken during last ten (10) years
indicating project cost and cost Ønsultancy sergices, stwe of assignment in
case of JV. key staff the irvut and of nature and scope Of
seNices along with starVcompletion date and role of the firm as lead JV
Partner! Sub•consdtant (SC).
(In case of JW Association, the lead firm will providetwo projects. each JV Patner
one project)
A1-died statements [reports accounts (ærtifled). annual tumover Bid
capital for tast 03 yeÜS
LisVShott CVS of key reevant staff *munenuy employed with the firm.
Total strength on permanent ron the arm (wm more ttun 2 years
PrequaUfztion Dxurnent (POD) corngisirv praje< features. TOR' ard evüation
c.rtena ror consultit•o services can be obtained from office of Executive
(Operation). Water Resources Zone, •rroatbn Depurnerü. Canal Bank. Mughaw.•ra.
Consut•nts shall be processed acØtdance PPRA Wes,
2014 «neroed up to date. Of be done accordance wth
Quality and Cost Based Selection procedure. orøy ü•ms that have
shortlisted wil be subsequenüy invned to techniæl and marvdal on
'Request for Proposal (RFPP- The firm searing a minjmun
shall be ptaeng on the
Tiw EOI (One and tvre,e cop"') mant reach Of ExecuUve
(Operation), Zone, Canal
The Executing Agency (EA) reserves uw right to; (i) reject any or gubmissløns and
carrel recrudngnt process at any thne and "'tere;sted firms respons& for an
costs incwred ariSi'V ot, ct in relation to. this request in accordarwe with Clause 3S of
PPRA Rules 2014 and orWthdr•w the terms of request
sor EOI, and all attachments •t any time.
Interested ere advised to address their EOI submission md enqt.mes to tye followiro
Mr. Imtiaz Akbar Bhatti Executive Engineer (Operation), Water Resources Zone
Executive Engineer (Operation), Water Resources Zone, Irrigation
Department, Canal Bank, Mughalpura, Lahore
Telephone,' 0092 42 99250178 ELmail address: corlhr(ögmail.com ; tariqyamin@qmai' com
o Newspaper ( u/ sep, zuz4)
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