Tender Info Services
Communication & Works Department Lahore Tender Notice in Ppra newspaper of 10 September, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of Communication & Works Department Lahore Tender Notice ( C & W ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing
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Communlcalion Works Department, 2"" au"dings ONISlOn. Lahore intends to Invite bldS
(ollawing schemes through E.Tenoering Vide Notification dated
Tenders based on item rates percentage above or below on approved ONIT ere hereuy
invaed„ works mentioned below from the contractors films enlisted I renewed with PEC for
cu financial year in the relevant category and specialization code. Tha contractor shal produce the
PEC License having menEoned the requisite relevant specialization codes. The contractor not
the relevant specialization code not be entertained into further process.
The procurenunt is to out through EPAOS IE•Pak Acqulsltlon and Disposal
Systæm) bltosd,taprocuro.nov.ßk webSite Punjab Procurement Regulatory AuU1i*ity (PPRA)
devetoped by PITB only. All Interested applicants consl;uctors are required 10 register on EPADS to
become eügtble tot pantipation. Tender notice tender document containing detailed requitement. terms
and condition are available for the registered bidders on EPADS and
Punjab Procu«ment Regulatory Authority {PPRA) website The tender
documents comprising the ONIT, must be submitted on EPADS as per the date and ne mentioned
below. Manual Bids snall not be
The prospecUve bidders are to submit eamest money in the a COR / Bank draft /
Cashiers cheque ony scheduled bank 2% o' the estimated ONIT cost. The contractors bidders
Shall produce Tie original 2% COR Bank dran I Cashiers cheque to Vie Execuüve Engineer,
Building Dtvi$iøn„ Lahore Tender opening Ccnvnatee accompanying the letter head on or berate the
clostng time the othemise the aedine bids submitted bg entertained. Conditional tenders
and tenders not accompanied with earnest money Shan be rejected, Th@CfiIine submitted bids tenders
be opened on the website gn fixed date and time In the office Of Ih•e Commissioner LBhOte OMSio,n.
by the respective Tenders Opening Commitlee (TOC) aethe above venue in presenco 01
intendi-og contractors or their representaüves having Power o! 'Fyney and Who opt to be present
The procuring agency may reject all bidS Ot
ts at any Ume prior to the acceptance
of a bid or proposal as per PPNA Rules. The procuring agency Shall open request communicate re:ecuon
to any supplier or contractor who su:bfiitted a bid proposal. ute grounds (or its refection 01 all bids
proposals. but is not required toiustify grounds.
Namo ofWork
Renovation Kunyatul dinat
dition Alteration
Ilcnprovement WorkS in
Residence No.92.Al
Faisal Town Laho
Addition Alteration
Residence No.247.A In GOR.V
Fai%l T Lahore.
amost Money
tlmated cost
7920m dated
792410B dated
Last date submassjon of bid on webs"e
Opening of website
01.40.2024 till P.M.
till 01:30
Note; case o/ any h
announced by Governmehl&dtheßiiso. next wot*in-g day be
d / opening Of tondor,
O Newspaper ( 10 Sep, 2024)
Superintending glnøor
ildEngs Circte No.l.
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