Tender Info Services
Water & Sanitation Agency Lahore Tender Notice (34) in Ppra newspaper of 16 September, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of Water & Sanitation Agency Lahore Tender Notice (34) ( ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
Replecment Works,Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing
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Wuer and Sanltitton Agency (WhSå). (1.041
relend te it the Invite rethemed '-PW
haßag nlld Ucenm from PEC In C.6 ..b«e wNh veddud.m code {C&09
regtgtered m pu "ld PYTNJ.
BOREHOLE OF i.cts GATE, aw sue onum WA".
2. Sublett sh.'ll be orrled
(PPRA) 0111b Blddirg deWed nqulnm:ents. tondlå0fB
rewstered bidders e•PÅDS Authority
t" envelop procedur *ill be The prepred In
the In 'he blddlng must be submltted on e•PAD$ belote
laer 12:00 PH. Technlcai d!d5 be opened on the "y on e.PAOS
Submuslan of hard q.fles Ot blds be utt:epld
4. The B/d the shape DrsR/Bank«G.e
insurance •n ot 3% of e.Ä4m•ed tott I.e. R'. in
Deputy Director Pr«urement. WASA shall be upha&d on e•PAD6 In son copy gnd hard apy o/
same (in shal be sutrnllted o' understne#tuated it S'•F
RnCLahocebebo«e openEtu al bld bid
5. tetttt5g btuer(J) will quUted opeNtwc{
b4dt}b bld of
bluer(S) technlcdlr the e•PADS
6. åe e•bEd or proposal including suYnltted 'owed corrupt.
virus. the or be
Regulation •8(4) etRA
8. and
9. The to the bid or
pn•pa.gl underPu01ab PPRA Rule
10, tender Will oat be
It, No tem:5er telegraph oe be BE t:hrmgh e•PADS be
12. Tendered rates and amount se in Should døed
as pet genenl directions teuder docunenes
13, the total tendered amount equal to Ot than S% (FWe) the •pprøve,d e.sd1Ä,ted (DNITJ
lowestbldder to depodt Quallty Agu.nnce Security / Perionunce
Sea.rtty from the *edukd Bank tn the ot dlftremce between approved ONIT
and the quoted
14. oftid opnir.gralls It /wlthln the a4hd*J hcüd•ys, date for
an•d opentngofåe be nut working day,
IS. The tenderer shat fill up the bld and percent. rate above orbeVaw the sdeduJe
af rate [or*Schedule he Is ta uth item atmrk Ho prenum be
quoted whleh the bid bere}ected.
• 17. E.fdmated
O Newspaper ( 16 Sep, 2024)
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