Tender Info Services
Water & Sanitation Agency Lahore Tender Notice (38) in Ppra newspaper of 16 September, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of Water & Sanitation Agency Lahore Tender Notice (38) ( ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
Procurement Of Sewer,Drains,Cleaning Machinery,Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing
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Water aryd Sanit.tion Agency Lahore Develogvnent Authonry (I.OA) (hereinafter
the lindtes Suppllers / Contractors registered on e,PADS having valid
License An eategory C3 & with spedølltaøon C'! •09 Cler NTY.
FNTN) Replacement of sewerage from IMP Illocl' Disposal Statloo to Melkong
Restaurant Faisal Town. Lahore'
c.P,qjS Procurement
Regulatory Authority only. Bidding Documents containing detmlrd tequvrem•nts,
terms eonditions is available the registered bidders on e-PAOS
and. Puniab Regulatory Authority (PPRA) Website
J Single stage two envelop bidding will be *topted. The bfd$ prepared in
with the instructtous in the bidding documents. must be submitted on
or before not later than Technjcat Bids will be opened on the
sam.e day ot' e•PADS at 12:30 PW Submissjot', of hard copies of bids shall not be acceoted.
4. The Bid Security in the Shape ot CDR!Bank Guarantee/PO/Demand Dratt/Banker
-Cheque except insurance bond for an amount or 3%oIgståmated cost Ve. amounting to
Rs.600r3300 h shall be uploaded e-PADS in soft copy srad hard copy d the same On
ongtrtai) shall be submitted in tbe once of undetsWted Situated at 8S2•g Falsal Town
opposite masque B/hlznillah Lahore before opening ofbdd othermse bid shall be rejected.
• Only iechnically responsive bidder(s) Will qUalified for opening Of nnanctäl
bidlsbhnancjal bid of badder(s) found technically non-respcosive shall remain un.opeoed
the e-PADS
the e•bid or proposal including recåöklbmitred on the FPADS found eorrUpt. un•
readable or contain •ones, the e.bidor oposals&all be rerected as per -8(4) of
PPRA Regulations-2024.
The bidder shall submrt e.bi± PDF me on "PADS" per Replaøon•
6(4) of PPRA
8. The proeurement shall Rubes•20t4 and Punjab Procurement Regulatbons:
The procuring agency mayr a all bids or proposals at any tine prior to the acceptana of
a bid or proposal under Punlab PPRA Rules 2014 (Rule-35).
• - 10. Conditional tender will not be accepted
II. No ter.der via telegraph or by post be accepted Bid submitted through e•PADS shall
only be considered.
Tendered rates and amount should be filled in figures as well as in words and tenders
should besigned as per general directions Éven in the tender documents.
13. In case the toti tendered amount is equal to or less than 5% (Ftve) of the approved
estimated (DNIT) amount the lowest bidder have to deposit Quality Assurance
Security / Additjonai Performance Security from the Scheduled Bank ecwa/ to the amount
difference between approved ONIT amount and the quoted bid amount,
In the last date bid submtsston and operung talis In / within the official holidays. the
last date for submission and opening Of the bids shall be the day.
tenderer shall fill up the bid schedule and Indicate the percentage rate above or below
the schedi'le Of rate fOJ •Schedule on which he willing to undertake each item of
No pcemkitn be quoted by the contractor against Non•ScbeduIes/ item rates
whxh the bid shall he revected
no days,
17 20.10.tooooj-
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