Tender Info Services
Water & Sanitation Agency Lahore Tender Notice (42) in Ppra newspaper of 16 September, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of Water & Sanitation Agency Lahore Tender Notice (42) ( WASA ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
Procurement Of Sewer,Drains,Cleaning Machinery,Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing
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WateT and Agency-FNASA), Lahore Development Authority (LDÅ) pte
bldsfrom I Contractm réXIst&ei one•PADS hlVtrtg *did PEC uceÉe In catqoryC•4•
lhove spiclflutlqn In todes (CE•09, CBtO)., Oler TN, gnd FNTN), rot • np
2. Suhlett procurement shall tarried out Iltrouah &PÅDS Punlab Procurement Requlåory ACthnrfty•
(PPP„Aj only, Bidding Oooments containing detailed'requlremeßts, temi and coiditi0Hs available (or
the registered bidden e•PAOS and
Two Eavelop blddng procedure be adopted. The bids prepared fi withJthe
[nstructions 'vri the bidding documents be submitted on e•PAOS on ot berate later
than pg.
capes bids shal be accepted,
4, The Bid Security in Shape or CDR/Bank Guarantee/PO/Demaod DraN/Banket Cheque except
insurance bond an amount 013% estimated cost Le, amounting to Rs. 09/' smtbe$0äded
on QPADS in soft capy hard copy of the same (10 original) shall be submitted in •once al
undersigned situated,at •pani WOYi Near Graveyard, H•8hxk, before openltg Of bld
otherwte bid shall be rejected.
5. Only technically responsive bhddeds) wCI be qualified forrupeikl,g or financial bbd(s), Financial bid of
bidder(s) found technically non•responsive shall remain un•bpened In the e•PADS.
6. If the e-bid or pnposal including submitted found corrupt, un•readable
'iras. the e•hid or proposal shall be rejected as perRegulaton •86) of PPHA Regulatf0M•20i4,
The bidder shall subnute-bldsthroughup in PDFNeone•PADSuper
Tiuproturemer•tshall madeurder?PRA 014
9, The procuring agency may reject all proposals at the gycepänqe bld
10, acceptfd.
lb No tender via telegraph post will be acceptd Bld $dbntned thmgh
12. Tendered rates and amauks60uld be filled lh figures as well as 10 $lgnqd,
in the tender documente
caæ th€ total tendered amount IS equa).to or less than 5%
T•amount, thé [oweöåidder deposit-QualEtYlAssutånce
$eåi Schedied ahödntotå{fférace
II. 14vIn
mv;grwow thb@hbdule of
nte Item' on which Wilbra NO je
quoted by theccntHctcr egglakt
O Newspaper
ep, 024)
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