Tender Info Services
Pakistan Aeronautical Complex Kamra Tender Notice in Fppra newspaper of 19 September, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of Pakistan Aeronautical Complex Kamra Tender Notice ( PAC ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
Member Commercial Wing PAC Kamra Short Tender Nofice, Tender No. PACB/1703/1/10/IDEAS-2024 Provisioning of Services / Goods For IDEAS-2024. Quotation must be submitted on FOR
basis only. 2. Payment will be made as per PAC Board proeedure. 3, gidding documents are also available in PAC website www.nac.org.pk. 5. Separate Technical quotation (in
duplicate] and Commercial quotation for each categanhmust be deposited as follows: - (a) Date of submission of fender before 1100 Hrs on 30-09-2024. DELIVERY OF TENDER. [o)
Technical Offer: It snall contain all relevant specificatiafsin a separate envelope and clearly marked “Technical Offer without prices, fender number and date of opening”. Biding
document duly signed and stamp on each page is régbired to be submitted with the technical quotation. [c] Commercial Offer: ft shall indicate prices quoted in figures as well asin
wards, along with essential literature / brochure ph lerly marked on face of a separate envelope “Commercial Offer with prices, tender number and date of opening’. (d] Both the
Envelopes of Commercial and Technical ofr hauid oe enclosed in one cover, properly sealed and bear ne address of Commercial Wing PAC Kara (De of Sales & Markefing] PAC
Karma with tender number and opening d ). Both Technical and Commercial offer will be opened on the due fime and date on single stage two envelope basis. Note: Past
eriommonce of the Tims may be. A)
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