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Tribal Area Electric Supply Company Islamabad Tender Notice in Aaj newspaper of 22 September, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of Tribal Area Electric Supply Company Islamabad Tender Notice ( ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
Installation Of Earth Rod With Allied Materials Of Existing HT LT Structures And Transformers
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Trbal Area Electric Supply Company (TESCO) invites sealed Bids from the contractors registered with Pakistan
Engineering Council and renewed for the year 2024-25 through single stage single envelop bidding procedure, under
National Competitive Bidding (NCB) basis in accordance with provision of PPRA rules.
Tender #
Nature ofWork:
Name ofWork
Installation of Earth Rod with allied material of existing HT / LT
structures and Transformers in all Merged Districts / TSD
PEC Category Qty
(Specialized codes) (Nos)
EE-04 &
• Safe handlingofEarth Rod with allied material for HT/LTstructuresandTransformersfrom TESCO storetositeof
• work including loading, unloading, digging forearth pits, back filling etc according to PPMC/TESCO SDI
The cost of testing ordered by Engineer incharge, according to the standard procedures, shall be responsibility of
contractor and will be borne by him
This invitation for bids is open to all bidders meeting the following requirements: -
Registration with Pakistan Engineering Council renewed for the year 2024-25 for the above-menfoned
categories / codes.
All bidders shall be a natural person, private entity or government-owned enterprise, who is active tax payer with
FBR and will provide income tax returns for the last 01 year. The bidder should have an average annual turned
over 15.00 million& cu month balanceofRs. 5.00 million.
Affidavit that the attached documents i.e PEC, FBR, N TN, CDR and Work Orders etc are genuine. Found fake at
later staget the firm will be held responsible for all consequences
Applications must be reached on or before 04110120 24 through courierservice only clearly mentioning the name &
NCB No ofthe project on the envelop with complete brochure ofthe firm and all the required documents as perthis
Bidders must have successfully completed at least 02 Nos. of contract for construction of similar nature of work
that has been successfu ly completed within the last 05 years. The bidder shall provide relevant original work
orders /contract agreements & completion certificates etc. Bidder must have to demonstrated satisfactory
performance of previous completed works from concerned XEN / SDO. The contractor who have already running
works in TESCOwill have to provide satisfactory/ erfor ancecertificate from concerned SDO
National Competitive bidding (NCB) will be conducted in accordancewi ing stagesingleenvelop method,
A complete set of bidding documents may be purchased b .ny interested bidder, meeting with the eligibility
criteria,on submission of application for issuance of te de form with relevant documents to XEN TESCO
Construction Division at H/NO. F-28, Khushal Khan Kh a oad UniverSty Town Peshawar on any working day
up to 04/10/2024, upon paymentofnon-refundablefe Rs.3000/- (Three Thousand rupees only). For each
tender deposit in the account of XEN TESCO Onstruction Division Peshawar Alc No. 0010000559360057
(Branch Code 0321)ABLUniversityTown es awar.
Bidding documents will be issued only to th o er of firm or representative ofthe firm, holding authority letter of
the firm alongwith CNICofthe owner oft •ssued specially forthe purpose.
The bidder shall submit 2% bid securit It their bid to cover the offered bid cost, failing which the bid shall be
considered as non-responsive & re"eute
Tenderrates&amountshouldbe Ille in Igures as well asin words. Cutting overwriting is strictly prohibited.
Last date for submission a plication fortender documents is 04/10/2024.
Deadline for issuance ofte erdocuments is 08110/2024.
The bid shall be submittegu to 10/10/2024 at 11:00 hrs clearly mentioning the name & NCB No. of the projecton
the envelop and will b@pened on the same day in the office of XEN TESCO Construction Division Peshawar at
11:30 hrs in thepre nceofbidderorbidders representative.
n ounced by the Govt of Pakistan, strike in TESCO or any other reasons what so ever due to
which this offleremains closed on the above scheduled tender opening date, the tender will be opened on next
working daya same time and place/ venue.
The bids covering partial & incomplete documents shall be rejected
Conditional bid or bid submitted through e-mail shall not be accepted.
All the information & documents provided by the bdders must be based on facts beyond any doubt- Any
misrepresentation, false statements or fake documents found in the proposal at any time, would lead to
debarment / blacklisting of firm. The matter shall also be reported to the Pakistan Engineering Council for
cancellation of registration / license ofthe firm.
TESCO reserves the right to accept or reject all the bids as per PPRA rules 33 (1).
Note:- Pay order is not acceptable,
This advertisement is also available on PPRAwebsite at www.ppra.org.pk & www.tesco.aov.pk
* Executive Engineer TESCO Construction Division
HINO. F-28 Khushal Khan Khattak Road University
Town Peshawar (091-5700715)
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