Tender Info Services
Water & Power Development Authority Attock Tender Notice in Pakistanobserver newspaper of 23 September, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of Water & Power Development Authority Attock Tender Notice ( WAPDA ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
Providing & Fixing Galvanized Crash Guard Rail Barrier Along P Channel
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Bid Reference NozW-340e)
1. The Chief Engineer/PD, GBHP, WAPDA Hattian invites sealed
bids from the Contractors registered/ licensed by the Pakistan
Engineering Council (PEC) in C-6 category (with field of specializa-
tion CE-IO) for the work "Providing & Fixing Galvanized Crash/
Guard Rail Barrier along P/Channel RD-27+886 to RD-51-420
(Phase-VII)" through single stage one envelope method, which will
be completed in 90-Days, The contractor will show all the original
documents i.e., CNIC, PEC Registration, Bank Statement of last year
attested from concerned Branch, his registration with Income Tax
department and should be on Active Tax Payer List (ATL) of FBR
An affidavit in original on Rs-300/- stamp paper that the Bidder/ Firm
has not been black listed by the Government / semi-Government
Organization/ autonomous body, will also be submitted by the Bidder.
2. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by the
interested eligible bidders/ suppliers/ firm on submission of a written
application to the office given below upon payment of a non-refund-
able fee of Rs.3,OOO/- in favour of Chief Engineer/PD, GBHP,
WAPDA Hattian MCB, Kamra, Bank Account #1001272. Bidders/-
firms may acquire the Bidding Docume (rom the office of Superin-
tending Engineer-II (Civil), GBH?, WAPDA, Barotha upto
09.10 2024 during working hours.
3. All bids must be accompanie b Bid Security in shape of CDR
amounting to Rs. 120,000/- of Chief Engineer/PD, GBHP,
Hattian-Attock and mu$Q6e delivered to office of Chief
PDA, Hattian-Attock on or before
10.10.2024 upto 1100 0 s. Tenders will be opened on same day at
1130 hours in the preence of bidders or their authorized representa-
tives who choose toattend, at the same address.
4. This adverti$ihent is also available on WAPDA and PPRA
vmw.wapd . ov.pk& www.ppra.org.pk,
5. All rights are reserved as per PPRA Rules, 2004.
Chief Engineer/Project Director,
GBHP, WAPDA, Hattian -
Tel: 057-2640580, Fax 057-2640581
This notice is also available at PPRA Website: www.ppra.org.pk
PID(L)813 Website: www.wapda.gov.pk
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