Tender Info Services
National Transmission & Despatch Company Lahore Tender Notice in Fppra newspaper of 01 November, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of National Transmission & Despatch Company Lahore Tender Notice ( NTDC ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
2024 Project: Financing Under Agence Franfaise de Dfveioppement (AFD) L : Nafional Transmission & Despatch Company Limited Country: Pakistan issued: October, 2024
Date: 31st October, 2024 Nome of Country Islamic Republic of Pokistan Nam of Project: Financing Under Agence Franfaise de Developpement (AFD) Loon. SOOKY, 220KV & 132XV.
STEEL GANTREES FOR 500KV VEHARI, SO0KV SIALKOT AND 220KV ARFWALA. IONS NTDC Contract No. and Title: AFD-07-2024: Procurement of 500kV, 220kV & 132kV Steel Gonfries
for 500kv Vehar, S00KV Sialkot and 220k Arfwaka Substafions NTOC #8 7.2024 Deadline for Submission of 8ids: 19th -Decermber 2024, 11:000m (Pakistan Standord Time) 1.
The Islamic Republic of Pakistan has received financing from the ise de Diveloppement (the French Development Agency) fowards the cost of financing under Agence
Frongaise de Developpement (AFD) Loan. It s intended hot part of of these funds wil be appied fo eigivie payments under the contract for AFD-07-2024: Procurement of
SO0KV. 220KV & 132V Steel Ganiries for SO0KY Vehori, S00KV Si V Artwaka Substafions NTDC 2. The Nafional Transmission & Despatch Company Limited (NTC, The
Purchaser) now invites sealed bids rom eigiole bidders for the. of S00KV. 220kV 8. 132KV Steel Gantres. The material shal be procured 0s per detail follows: Lof #
Descriofion Lot SO0KY Steel Gantries Loti 220KV & 132K S nes 3. Interested eiigitve bidders may obtain further information from and inspect he Bidding Documents af the.
office of: Chiet Engineer [Material Procurement Transmission & Despatch Company Limited (NTDC) th Floor, Shaheen Complex. Egerton Rood, Lahore.
Pakistan Postal Code: 54000 Telephone: 492-42-99202597 number: +92-42.99202173 E-mail address: Cempmantdc. com.pk A Pre-8id meeting shol fake place a folows: Dae:
13th November 2024 Time: 11:000m (Pakistan Standard Tepe) Bloc: Office of the Chiet Engineer [Material Procurement & Management) National Transmission and Despatch Company
8th Floor, Shaheen Complex. Egerton Rood Lahore, . To purchase the Bidding Documents in English, eligible bidders should: § Writs fo address above requesting fhe bidding
document for AFD-07-2024; Procurement of S00KY, 132KV Steel Ganiries for S00KV Vehari, S00kV Sialkot and 220kV Ariwala Substations NTDC. Pay G non-refundable fee of PKR.
5,000.00 or USD equivalent by cashiers cheque, or demand bonk draft in favor of Chief Engineer (Material Procurement 8 Management). NTDC, 8th Floor, Shaheen
Complex. Egerton Rood, Lahore, Pakiston. The nt may be colected in person or may be sent by express armail for an addfional fee of PKR 3,000.00 for domesic delivery or USD
150.00 for overseas deivery. No kabitty wil be, for loss in transit or kate delivery. # The bidding document is also valabie ot hitps://afd.dgmarket.com and
hitos//nidc.gov.pk/tendons. 5. The fo Bidders and in the General Condifions of Contract are he provisions of the Agence Franfaise de Diveloppementts
Bidding Documents for Procurement of Bids must be deivered fo fhe above office on or before 11:000m (Pakistan Standard Time) on 19th December 2024 and must be
accompanied by bid securities for Tos as folows: Lot = USS 46,300 or 12.9 millon PKR Lot = Us 38,300 or 10.7 millon PR Late bids shal be rejected. 7. 8d wi be opened in
public andin the presence of bidder? who choose fo atfend at 11:30 am (Pokiston Standard Time), 19#h December 2024 of he offices of Chief Engineer (Materiol
Procurement & Management), TDC Shaheen Complex. Egerton Road, Lahore, Pakistan. 8. Qualification criteria are as follows; Additional detois are provided in the 8idding
Documents. Open compefifive bigkilg wil be Conducted in accordance with AFDIs Single-Stage - One-Envelope procedure ands open fo oll bidders from efigiole countries as
descrioed in the Bidding # The Bidders must safisly the evaluation and qualification criteria in Section 3 of the Bidding Documents in which they wish fo poricipate, including
the folowing key requrement Bidder or fs proposed Manufacturer must hove af least 05 years? design/ manufochuring experience of smir Goods having Simicr or higher
rating and Capacity. = The Excl or its proposed Manufacturer must have experience of at least hwo (02) contracts for supplying smiar Goods outside the county of origin of offered
equipment/goods or n during lost fen (10] years. = The Goods of similar or higher rafing and Capacity suppied by the bidder should have been in safisiactory operaion for
a Continuous period of years on the date of 8id opening. = In case of JV, ol pariners Combined shoud fulfil is requirement (draft JV agreement snouid be provided with
the bid). The bidders. not manufacturers themselves, shall furmish an authorzaion from the concemed manufacturer fo submit a bid for supply of their goods fo Pafistan against
this tender. For the eigioity and qualification requirements, bidders should refer fo the Bidding Document. # The every period is 210 days for CIP (Karachi) / Ex-Works
Pakistan contracts date of signing of contract. § When comparing Bids, AFDYs Domestic Preference Scheme wil be oppéed as stipulated in the Bidding Documents. Chief
Engineer (Material Procurement &Management) National Transmission & Despatch Company Limited (NTC) 8th Fioor, Shaheen Complex, Egerton Road, Lahore, Pakistan Postal Code:
54000 Telephone: +92-42-99202597 Facsimile number: +92-42-99202173 E-mail address: [email protected]
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